Impeachment Proceedings Begin

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On Monday, under the auspices of Chairman Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee began impeachment proceedings against PDJT.  The committee session is called Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes.

On Tuesday the House Judiciary Committee will hold AG Bill Barr in contempt of Congress.  His crime? He has refused to break the law and provide the Democrats with a fully unredacted copy of the Mueller Report. They refuse to review the 98% unredacted copy the Justice Department has made available.  The Democrats want to mine grand jury testimony to see if they can find some things to smear PDJT with or otherwise undermine those who work for him.  At the same time the Democrats have been trying to re-litigate the entire Russia conspiracy hoax.

Chairman Nadler has released a statement that shows the extent that the Democrats will go to lie about PDJT.

“Russia attacked our elections to help President Trump win.” 

Really?  This statement is ludicrous.  The Russians did not want Trump to win.  Just a little thought by any rational person would quickly lead that person to conclude the whole idea of the Russians helping Trump was ridiculous. This idea is simply nonsense.

Which candidate would have served Russia’s national interests as well as Russian oligarchs’ interest the best?  Putin owned the Clintons.  The Uranium One deal approved by HRC at State led to $150+ million for the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources and a $500,000 “speaking” fee for Bill Clinton.

On the policy side HRC wanted to shut down coal mines and restrict the removal of hydrocarbons from the ground in America.  This would have increased world prices for hydrocarbons.   That would have resulted in vastly more money for Russian oligarchs.

On the other hand PDJT wanted to make America energy independent by increasing hydrocarbon production.  This would decrease world oil prices that Russia is dependent on for foreign capital.

Hillary, as Secretary of State, traveled the world with insecure communication equipment. Undoubtedly her communications were compromised.  By how many different intelligence services is unknown.  But certainly the FSB (the former KGB) would have been one of them.  If anyone was vulnerable to “persuasion” from the Kremlin, it was certainly not Trump.

The fact that the Mueller Report said that the Russians tried to help PDJT win shows the extreme partisanship of the entire Mueller crew.

“Trump and his campaign welcomed this help”

Even the Mueller Report with its highly partisan attorneys could find no evidence of this.  Yet Chairman Nadler is saying the opposite.  Apparently he believes that if he tells a lie often enough, people will believe him.  Nadler apparently believes in the Democrats’ First Commandment.  Anything is okay if it advances the power of the Democratic Party.

“The President tried to obstruct the investigation into the attack”

No president in modern times has provided more transparency into the workings of government.  In particular, PDJT, who could have exercised executive privilege over and over, never did so.  White House staff were encouraged to be open and honest with the investigators. Hundreds of thousands of pages of documents were produced.  Chairman Nadler calls this obstruction.  Perhaps in some Orwellian world where night is defined as day and good is defined as evil, it might be considered so.

“Mueller confirmed these revelations”

Mueller did no such thing.  Perhaps Chairman Nadler’s recent health problems have resulted in some loss of memory and cognitive function. This statement appears to be feeding off some alternate reality that he is living in.

“No one is above the law”

This is the latest ploy that the Democrats are using.  The Democrats use this to advance the idea that PDJT has violated the law.  They never back it up with any facts.  This is supposed to plant in the public’s mind the false narrative that PDJT routinely violates the law by refusing to re-litigate the Russia conspiracy hoax.  This is part of their political process by which they want to “educate” the public about impeachment.

“While the White House continues to cover up and stonewall, and to prevent the American people from knowing the truth”

The people who are trying to prevent the American people from knowing the truth are the Democrats.  They are encouraging members of the intelligence community to stonewall any requests for information relating to the Russian interference predication “if this would threaten national security.”  Senator Mark Warner has publicly come out and said as much.

The really interesting item for this committee hearing is that Robert Mueller has not been subpoenaed to appear.  After all, if there were one person who could shed light on the parallels with Watergate which is part of the supposed review, one would think that the architect of the Mueller Report would be a natural.  One has to speculate that testifying under oath could be a problem.

The Democrats are in absolute terror of what may be revealed through declassification.  They are using this Judiciary Committee impeachment process to create a smokescreen for that possibility and also to make it seem like political retribution when the truth comes out.

Fortunately for America more and more Americans are seeing through this charade.