Are Indictments Coming?

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The architects of the failed counter-intelligence operation against PDJT are getting nervous.  With AG Barr and US Attorney Durham digging deeper and deeper into the origins of the spying on the Trump campaign and the Presidency, James Clapper, former DNI, has gone into panic mode. Keep in mind that Clapper perjured himself before Congress in 2013 that the NSA wasn’t spying on Americans.  Then Edward Snowden came on the scene and blew that story out of the water.  We know why he wasn’t indicted for perjury then.  He has no such protection today.

Back in April, AG Barr was asked by Senator Jeanna Shaheen (D-NH) if spying on the Trump campaign had occurred.  Barr responded in the affirmative and took pains to indicate that he was looking at whether adequate predication existed for such activities.

This led to an almost immediate Clapper interview on CNN by Anderson Cooper.

I am sure it was scary for Clapper.  We are talking about possible sedition charges here.  Clapper was trying desperately to turn the narrative around and make it seem like Barr was a bit off his rocker.  But, because he was in panic mode, he forgot that testimony in Congress had already established the existence of the counter intelligence operation known as Crossfire Hurricane.

Clapper then tries to make it seem like Barr was deliberately putting the worst possible view on the situation by using the word spying.  The problem with Clapper’s statement (which was not challenged by Cooper) is that the Senator was the one who asked the question using that word.

Clapper goes on to try to make it look like Barr is just spitballing some cockamamie theory that he should have kept to himself.  Again there is no pushback from Cooper despite the fact that it was well known at this point that surveillance of the Trump campaign and Presidency had been going on.

Once again Clapper is back in the news.  According to A CNN report:

I will bet that there are many chills in the intelligence community including with Clapper.  The further that Barr and Durham search for answers, the more exposed Clapper and his buddies become.  And who are his buddies?  Clapper himself gave us this answer with another interview he did with Anderson Cooper 11 months ago.

Eleven months ago Clapper probably felt that there was no way PDJT would survive the Mueller investigation.  Clapper and his compatriot John Brennan were predicting that PDJT and his family would be led out fo the White House in handcuffs.  With PDJT gone, he and his buddies (Obama included) would bask in the adoration of the masses for having “saved the country.”  The Resistance would be praising all of them for having had the courage to stop the takeover of the country by the Russians.

Funny how things worked out.  The only interference by Russia uncovered in all of this investigating was orchestrated by the DNC through a British agent named Christopher Steele.

The only real question left is will AG Barr and US Attorney Durham find the leads that will take them all the way back to Clapper, Brennan and Obama.