Tapper Thumbs His Nose At America

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Saturday shopping at Walmart is normal activity for thousands of people across the country.  In El Paso, Texas, this activity turned into a horror show when a young man walked in with a rifle in his hands.  He began indiscriminately mowing down shoppers of all ages, sexes and colors. In the end 20 people lay dead and more than two dozen were in the hospital.

Following in the footsteps of the Christchurch shooter, minutes before he went on his killing spree, the young man (No, I am not going to name him and there will be no pictures of him here) published his “manifesto.”  He claimed to be protecting the country from invasion.  He borrowed ideas from both the far left (Bernie Sanders in particular, talking about big corporations) and the far right (“white extinction”).  Outside of his apparent antipathy for Hispanics, he will be difficult to fit into a category based on his “manifesto.”

In my opinion this young man is just playing with those people on both sides of the aisle who would use this event for political grandstanding.  He is tweaking their noses.  And political grandstanding started almost before all the blood had been wiped up.

On Sunday morning Jack Tapper of the Counterfeit News Network (CNN) started pounding away trying to build a story that PDJT was responsible for the attack. Tapper invited a number of Democratic presidential candidates onto his show.

Tapper set them up with questions to elicit the responses he wanted.

Tapper asked Beto O’Rourke: “Do you think President Trump is a white nationalist?”

O’Rourke responded:  “Yes. I do.”  O’Rourke went on to say that the President “trafficked” in white nationalism fear and we had to stand up against this “white nationalism racism.”

Tapper induced mayor Pete Buttigieg to say that “at best (Trump is) condoning and encouraging white nationalists.”

Sen. Cory Booker recently said, “My testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching” the president.  Would this incite violence anywhere?  Booker told Tapper he wanted “to say with more moral clarity that Donald Trump is responsible for this.”

Other candidates made similar remarks.  So Tapper got these candidates to project the idea of that the president is sowing racial division.  Hogwash!  It is the Democrats who have been sowing racial division in this country for a long time. They make blacks feel like they are always being exploited.

The Democrats and their allies in the media spent 50 years celebrating single moms and broken homes as evidence of tremendous social “progress.” They spent all those years telling black people that they’ll never get a fair shake in America.

In the last two decades, the media and Democrats have been scapegoating “whiteness.” They’ve been teaching our children that, if you’re white, you have a disease called “white privilege.” And if you’re black, you need special treatment to keep up with those who enjoy so-called “white privilege.” They insist that asking for an ID to vote is racist.  Why?  Apparently according to the media and Democrats, black people lack the fundamental capacity to get and keep an ID.  How racist is that!

Tapper has apparently decided he wants to lead this parade.  In so doing he creates more and more white supremacists. Tapper then points at some tweet or meme to “prove” he is right. He has been trying to do this since before the President got elected.  And they have the balls to say that the President is sowing racial division. It just proves that the left will say and do anything to get power over the people.

PDJT is no more a racist than a four year old.  PDJT has denounced racism and white supremacy all his life.  President Trump thinks white racists are total losers, to use his own language.  In his heart PDJT knows that racists are disgusting blights on humanity.   I think it is time for him to tell the country this regardless of how the Democrats might grandstand about such a speech.

This identity-based social deterioration we are seeing today in this country has nothing to do with PDJT.  It is a tool the institutional left (Hollywood, academia, mainstream media, Democrats) use to pound on their opposition with while gathering more power for themselves.

Keep in mind what this is all about.  There are trillions of dollars at stake.  The multinationals stand to lose a lot of money (and mainstream America stands to gain a lot of money) if PDJT is successful at resetting the trade parameters so that America can compete on an equal footing with other countries. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be easier if PDJT succeeds.  The liberty of all people (black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc.) will be increased as we have already seen with the results so far.

Tapper along with others in the media has cast his lot with these corporations and countries, China in particular, and will do anything to get PDJT out of office. Tapper does not care about the poor or the middle class of America.  He does not care that China is exfiltrating wealth from America.  He does not care that the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of all Americans will be enhanced if PDJT succeeds.