Media Deceptions

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Hat Tip…ebaum

Most of the MSM has gone all in with the Democrats in attempting to overthrow the Trump Administration.  To help accomplish this, the media uses all their tricks to deceive the public about what is going on.

Take a recent headline from the Washington Post

“No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hunter Biden…Uncomfortable Questions Remain”

The average reader would be led to believe that Hunter Biden was investigated over his membership on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings.  This investigation was thorough and supposedly revealed no wrongdoing.  The young man was cleared of complicity in any criminal acts.

The only thing Hunter Biden was guilty of was the awkward fact that his father, Joe Biden, Vice-President at the time, happened to be point man for the Obama administration with the government of Ukraine at the same time.

While technically the headline “No Evidence of Wrongdoing” may be true, this is hugely deceptive.  It does not address in any meaningful way what really took place here.  A good investigative journalist has to ask what was going on.  There are very few good investigative journalists.

The first question has to be what qualifications did Hunter Biden have that made him a good candidate for the Board of Directors?  The young man had a history of drug use.  He was bounced from the Navy because of this about a year before this gig happened along.  He had no experience in natural gas extraction or the marketing of such a product.  Hunter possesses no unique or obvious experience or skill set making him a “fit” for the job at hand.

The only qualification appears to have been that his father, Joe Biden, was VP of the United States.  Of course a family member of a high official has every right to earn a living, only it has to be an honest living.

Biden accepted a lucrative board position ($50K+ per month) with an energy company focusing on Ukrainian business, even though, he had no background or expertise in energy or in Ukraine. He did so after the energy company was under Ukrainian investigation for alleged corruption and after his father was overseeing the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine.

This appears to be a textbook case of influence-peddling.  What makes this even worse is that Joe Biden, his father, is on video boasting about how he threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid if the Ukrainian administration did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating corrupt activities involving the company.  The President of the Ukraine caved and did so.

The new prosecutor understood the political climate and ended the investigation.

So the reason no evidence of wrongdoing was found was that the investigation was ended due to Joe Biden’s demands. The investigation did not reach a natural conclusion.

Was this company involved in corrupt activities?  This is unknown at this time since the investigation was abruptly ended due to the interference of Joe Biden.

This is one example of how the media is corrupt in advancing narratives to support their favored people.  Without the Internet most Americans would not know about the sleazy activities that took place to interfere in the internal investigative actions of another country.

Here in America we are long past where most journalists pursue the truth. Today most of them are just propagandists for the political elite.  This harms the country because favored political elites know that they will not be held accountable for their corrupt actions.