A Conversation With Robert O’Brien

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National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien appeared on ABC This Week with Jonathan Karl to discuss a number of issues.  Among them was North Korea.  Karl attempted to use former advisor John Bolton comments to undermine PDJT’s approach.

O’Brien does a very credible job of rebutting Karl’s comments.  He noted that President Obama had advised PDJT that a hot war was quite possible on the Korean peninsula.  O’Brien also noted that no progress had been made under the previous three administrations with North Korea.

O’Brien noted the more pragmatic position of President Trump.   O’Brien did not promise that success was imminent or even inevitable.  He just noted that North Korea had two paths they could follow one of which would make North Korea a prosperous country and that America would react based on which path was taken.

The interview went on to discuss Navy Seal Chief Eddie Gallagher.  Edward R. Gallagher is a retired United States Navy SEAL Special Warfare Operator who came to national attention in the United States after he was charged with and acquitted of war crimes while being convicted of bringing disorder or discredit to the armed forces.

Karl attempted to show that Gallagher was a loose cannon who did not deserve PDJT’s intervention in his case.   Karl attempted to use selected video clips that had been leaked by the prosecution to the media.  This is just like Adam Schiff’s approach to impeachment.  Find a piece of testimony here or there that helps to support your case (almost always, “I heard a rumor that…”).  Ignore anything that runs counter to your desired outcome.

Karl ignored that, despite this, the Court Marshal Board acquitted Gallagher of all charges except for taking a photo of the dead terrorist.  President Trump had nothing to do with the acquittal and simply pardoned the Seal for taking the photo.  Karl also ignored that the Navy JAG prosecutors spied on the defense and got caught.  Also that the lead prosecutor in the case was replaced for cause.

Chief Gallagher and wife

PDJT is trying to fix a military justice system that sends troops to war and then sacrifices them to some perverse political agenda when they return home.  An article that appears in the Navy Times written by Eddie’s brother highlights the long list of injustices done to Gallagher.

O’Brien deftly sidesteps that land mine and instead points out that PDJT has the backs of those in our military who do the job they have been trained for.  Recently it has come to light that PDJT regularly talks with enlisted personnel and gets their feedback about how things are in our armed forces.  Imagine that.  A President who has no problem speaking with the “workers” to find out the state of affairs.

O’Brien seems like an exception to the rule in the Washington swamp.  He has PDJT’s back.  I wish that he was more the rule rather than the exception.