The Next Phase

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With an acquittal looming over them from the farce of an impeachment that the Speaker orchestrated by decree, Speaker Pelosi went to the microphones and claimed that PDJT would not be acquitted if the Senate acquits him of the charges.  Yes, Pelosi actually said that.

Apparently some in the media are recognizing the truth of the matter and are becoming a bit bolder about questioning the Speaker.  The reporter asked,

“When this is over, do you think that President Trump will be chastened and understand that he’s got a Congress watching him? Or will he be emboldened because the Senate will have acquitted him?”

The Speaker shot back,

“Well, he will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial, and you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation and that.”

Apparently the Speaker has “forgotten” about the 24 hours of repetitive presentations that her hand-picked managers made.  Apparently she has “forgotten” about all those witnesses who testified in secret in the basement.

Of course, she has not really forgotten.  This is just the next phase of this ridiculous exercise that the Democrats are engaging in.  It is time for the “surprise” witness who can shed some light on the supposedly impeachable activities going on inside the White House.  The problem for Pelosi is that the American public has seen this ploy before.  It was the strategy the Democrats employed to try to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation.

We all remember Christine Blasey Ford who could remember nothing except that she was sexually assaulted while in high school.  This was an obvious attempt to try to run out the clock and get to the mid-term elections.  The Dems then hoped to flip the Senate and call for a delay so that the “will of the people” could be heard.

Pelosi’s work, as sloppy as it was, is done.  The spotlight is gone from her.  The power she had when the House was conducting its impeachment inquiry is gone as well.  Pelosi has had to stand idly by after handing two articles of impeachment over to the Senate. She has no role whatsoever in the process.

Pelosi has been relegated to slamming the President’s lawyers to a diminishing crowd of reporters.   The Speaker said they’ve “disgraced themselves terribly in terms of their violation of what our Constitution is about and what a president’s behavior should be.”

“I don’t know how they can retain their lawyer status, in the comments that they’re making.”

Of course, if no new “surprise” witnesses are allowed, the Democrats will try to claim a cover-up.  The problem for the Dems with this is that it appears that some of their Senate brethren may also vote to acquit.  And a staggering number of moderate Democrats are seeing the great things the President is accomplishing despite 24/7 negative press.  Many of these people are starting to show up at Trump campaign rallies to support the President.

Just how hateful and deranged are the elite Democrats?