Facebook Opposes 1st Amendment Activities

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Americans all over the country are rising up against draconian lockdown orders by governors who believe they have become dictators.  These governors are trashing constitutional rights and freedoms.  The inner totalitarianism of these wannabe tyrants is now on display in many states.  Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia have been in the forefront of curtailing the God-given rights of Americans in their states.  Of course, they are not the only ones.

Patriotic Americans began to organize peaceful protests against government overreach regarding Shelter-In-Place executive orders through Facebook.  Such Americans were in for a surprise.  When they tried to network on Facebook, Facebook officials were quick to snitch to state governors in an effort to prevent these activities.

American Liberty reports,

Webster’s defines misinformation as “false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.”  On what basis is organizing a peaceful protest against the government considered to be “misinformation” let alone “harmful misinformation?”

Zuckerberg is stretching the definition of “misinformation” to the breaking point with these statements.  Keep in mind what this means.  Facebook is working hand-in-hand with leftist governors to suppress free speech and to suppress the right to protest an overbearing government.

This is a far cry from Zuckerberg’s vision when Facebook was first founded.  It was to be an open “town hall” type of platform where all opinions were valued.  What happened?  When did America become the Communist States of America?  What will Facebook do next?  Will they collude with the Democrats to interfere in the 2020 election by only permitting items on their social media platform that they agree with?

Zuckerberg has created a hot mess with these actions.  Democratic governors love it since they believe it enables them to be more oppressive without pushback.  However, such attempts at suppression can only last so long.

As President Kennedy once said,

Is Mark Zuckerberg trying to facilitate the start of another civil war?