The Deadliest Virus

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Marxists are manipulating people trying to divide the free world, cause an uprising that results in revolution.  Marxism’s modus operandi is to pit one group against another.  If they succeed, Marxists will then establish a dictatorship just as they have done before. Equality will be out the window.  They did the same thing to Russia 100 years ago.

Communism always ends in disaster. The government literally owns your life.  Individualism is out the window.  Conform or else.

It never works.  Eventually others have to come in, clean up and help rebuild. Clueless people then try to bring communism back because they don’t live in a place where they see the disastrous effects of it.  If someone wants communism, they should visit North Korea, Vietnam, China, etc.  Then let them come back and tell everyone how great communism is.

If the Marxists/Communists gain power, they will push to get everyone to think one way.  All people must be like a programed robot. Any “bad” thinking  (outside the box) will result in the silencing of that individual and re-education of that individual to return to the “right” way of thought.

Religious freedom will be the first freedom to be lost.  Communists have suppressed religion everywhere they have gained power.  They cannot have the people believing that there is some greater power than the state. Communism/socialism is always about power and control over the common person.

During the twentieth century more than 100 million people were killed by communist regimes.  And the Marxists want to bring that here.  In fact it is here.  This is what all the rioting is really about.  And the Democratic Party is aiding and abetting in this endeavor.  If Joe Biden is elected President, this is what America has to look forward to.