It’s Just Beginning

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Let’s remember that the goal of the MSM is to get the people who supported a landslide win for PDJT to give up and slither away despondent and broken.  They want people to give up hope in the ability of good to overcome evil.  If that happens, the people responsible for these crimes against our country will get away with it.  If, however, the people hold the politicians’ feet to the fire, then PDJT will serve a second term.  It is time for “We The People” to demand an audit of the vote in all 50 states.

Sydney Powell has indicated that she will file in the courts in Georgia by the end of the week probably by the end of the day on Wednesday.  As she has repeatedly said, the amount of paper that she has to file is huge and takes considerable effort to assemble and get ready for court.  It is truly of biblical proportions.

Dr. Steve Turley outlines the various efforts underway in the different states.  These are efforts that you definitely will not hear about from the MSM.  Again, remember the MSM goal is to make you give up in despair about the ability of our country to do what is right and good.

This video highlights many activities that you may not be aware of.

More and more people are starting to question the legitimacy of the vote.  And it is not just the presidential vote that is being questioned.  Of course, that is the Big Kahuna.  But, just how many other races were stolen?

PDJT is standing in the path of evil.

“They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way” – Donald J Trump 🇺🇸

The communists are going all out and daring us to stand up to them.  Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell remarked on how obvious they are being, how it seems like they no longer care if we know what they are doing.  Dobbs and Powell are right.

The ultimate goal is world domination and America, as currently constituted, is an impediment to that goal. Their goal is to REMOVE THE IMPEDIMENT.

Some have advanced the idea that they planned it this way.  They hoped for a number of states to not certify the vote due to irregularities in the vote.  They hoped for the race to be thrown into the House where they expected to score big gains just as they did in 2018.  If no candidate gets 270, the House chooses the President.

The House takes office before the President does (New Year’s Day).  The Constitution provides the manner for the House to determine who will be President when no candidate can get an absolute majority of electoral votes.  Each State gets one vote.  The Democrats had hoped to flip state delegations and have the ability to choose the President if it got to the House.  That did not happen.

The real action is just beginning.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

Your voice can make a profound difference.