Greetings, Comrades

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Comrades, let it not be said that the US DOJ ministry is not on guard to protect you from nefarious elements within rebellious sections of our great country.  On Friday, the DOJ ministry moved to quash a rebellion within the glorious State of Georgia.  All citizens should be thankful that the DOJ ministry is on the job working to protect them.  [DOJ Announcement Here]

During the early parts of this year, fringe elements of the population of the great State of Georgia moved to change how the Party conducts elections there.  Recognizing the threat that this posed to the institutions of our great country, the DOJ ministry immediately set out to determine how to best stop the wrong thinking represented by this small minority of our people.

The result of these efforts was a project called STIFFLE.  The task force formed to pursue STIFFLE was charged with rooting out and exposing wrong thinking at all levels of our society.  As all comrades know, only the Great Party knows what is best for all of our citizens.  The ministry was worried and concerned that the efforts of these rebellious wrong thinkers could upset the careful management of our nation by our great leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The STIFFLE project staffers were also concerned that such wrong thinking could spread to other areas of our great country.  This would upset the hard work done over decades to insure the domestic tranquility just achieved by having just one Party in charge of running our great nation.

Wrong thinkers have been spreading the lie that the integrity of our elections has been compromised.  This has led to the earth-shaking idea that one must prove one is eligible to vote.  As all good comrades know, only right-thinking citizens should have that right.  Wrong thinkers are subversive to the natural order dictated by the Great Party and can upset the natural order of life.  This could compromise the idea that only the Great Party knows what is best for all citizens.

The DOJ ministry has enlisted the help of Big Tech and Big Media to push the narrative that wrong thinking is considered subversive.  Their job also includes controlling voices that do not agree with the Great Party.  The January 6thinsurrection is an evidence of what the extremists who believe they know what is best can lead to.  The FBI ministry now considers 100 million people within our great country as potential terrorists and usurpers of the natural order.

But rest assured that Minister Garland who leads the DOJ ministry will always decide what is best for you.  You can send a word of thanks to him via the DOJ ministry in Washington.


1 thought on “Greetings, Comrades

  1. David

    Does anyone care about separation of powers anymore? The DOJ should not be engaging in anything political. The fact that they have undermines their credibility. The most disturbing part of this was on display when Biden went to Europe. The media mocked him for his note cards. What Was on the cards should have been the story. On his card
    “The DOJ will reflect the principles of president biden and not trump. What!!! The principles they SHOULD follow are the constitution! Unfortunately, We are long past that. Americans don’t even complain now when they know they are being spied on even though the government is breaking the law doing it.

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