COVID Restrictions…Fighting Back

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As anyone who has read here knows, the restrictions put in place to “stop the spread” are just a scam being used to control the American public.  The virus has gone everywhere despite stringent and draconian measures or because no measures were in place.  It is the nature of a coronavirus to do this.  However, our masters in Washington believe that they can bamboozle the people again.  Restrictions on freedom are needed if they have any hope of remaining in power.  Anyone who stands in their way becomes a target.  And so Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida is the latest individual to come into their crosshairs.

There is increasing pressure for mandatory vaccinations.  States that do not force vaccinations, that do not require masks, and that do not impose restrictions on the essential liberties of their citizens are enemies of the dictators who want total control the whole country.  States that do not coerce the businesses in their state to do so are complicit in attempting to overthrow federal authority.

This week the White House has taken aim at Governor Ron DeSantis.  As Sundance noted:

…Florida Governor Ron DeSantis allowing his state to remain open and operating as normal, without arbitrary rules, restrictions and mandates, stands in open defiance of the demanded federal overreaction.  The White House cannot have Florida functioning without panic and fear, and still sell their doom and gloom forecast; so DeSantis becomes the enemy.

Here is the major problem for those who would overthrow our constitutional republic.  Florida is open for business.  They are operating normally.  Florida is a huge tourist attraction.  People come from all over.  When they return to their home states, they carry the message that there is nothing wrong in Florida.  This undercuts the message coming from the White House that we all need to cower in fear over the dreaded Delta variant.

Florida is federalism in action.  Florida’s real life experience is destroying the underpinnings of the conspiracy narrative put out by the Left and their pals in corporate media.

The media will have to hit hard.  DeSantis must be attacked and diminished.  Any slight increase in deaths or hospitalizations in Florida will be trumpeted across the land.  Fake news will be the order of the day.  Case counts will be put under a microscope.  The Associated Press has already started a fake news story about Ron DeSantis killing people [Article Here]

As Sundance notes this “is soviet level propaganda being pushed through the alliance of corporate media and Big Tech.  The really odd thing is how many people seem to believe it.”

I do not find it odd.  Belief is the result of being told a big lie over and over.  Hitler had that much right when he was in power.  Tell a lie often enough and eventually people will believe it.  It is why everyday Americans need to continually push back against these false stories.

How do we fight back?  With the truth.  And tell it over and over until it takes root.

A video like the one below is one small step.

Call out the obvious duplicities.

One such item is the shift in narrative about the vaccines.  Now they do not stop a second infection.  (I may have more on this in the near future.)  They only reduce the chances of severe illness.  In other words, they are not a sterilizing treatment.  Sterilizing treatments prevent future infection. This is what the public was sold.  The vaccines would end COVID.  Nonsense.

Do not respond to slanderous attacks.  The media will twist any answer to suit their needs.  As Sundance says:

The only way to win at this scheme is not to play; to go on the attack; to continually point out how intensely political the motives are, then start applying massive amounts of ridicule upon the House Democrats.  One such  example is shown below.

Sundance has provided a sample statement that DeSantis could make when asked about the White House statement:

Ex: …”The Democrats are going to lose their seats because they hate this country, and every action they have taken shows how much they despise the people of our nation.  Take a look at the unsecured border; illegal aliens flowing through while Democrats claim to care about COVID spread?  Take a look at our schools in crisis; kids isolated, parents frustrated, the teachers union running the show and education collapsing.  

These Democrats hate the middle-class and ordinary Americans; need proof, take a look at your grocery bill. These people you call Democrats, focused on controlling your life, are entirely detached from you, me and the American people.  They hate the working class; just look at the prices you are paying at the gas pump.  Face it, they hate you, and the American electorate is going to show-up in massive numbers in 2022 and remove them.  Next question”…

Point out that it is western democracies that are trying to apply the most drastic measures on their citizens.  Places like China and Russia stopped this nonsense long ago.  Kids in China had face-to-face learning all year during the last school year.

Publish statements like this to show the true nature of the clowns running the show.

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” 

Ask why young journalists are lying to the public every day.  Point out the evil of doing this.  Ask why they are intent on destroying the greatest country to ever exist on the planet.

Someone I know has revived the Post-It note campaign.  Every time he fills up his car, he puts a note on the gas pump, “Thanks, JoeBama.”  I am sure that there are many other opportunities to do this.

I am certain there are many other steps that can be taken.  All of this can help to get the message of truth out to the public.  Everyone needs to get involved.  Politicians pay attention when their inbox is full.