An Expert’s View

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Peter Andrew McCullough is an American cardiologist.  He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.  He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough advocated for early treatment including hydroxychloroquine.  He has published some 45 pieces on COVID.

He has five messages for us. These, given in this interview, are:

  1. The virus is not spread asymptomatically.  That is, only sick people give it to other people.  

This was a big club that Dr. Fauci and others used to beat people into submission to government diktats.  There could be “super spreaders” out there who are infecting hundreds if not thousands.  Everybody must stay home.  Normal life must cease.  It was all hogwash.

  1. We should stop testing symptomless people.  That just generates false positives – creating extra ‘cases’ and extra concerns.  ‘There shouldn’t be a single person on Earth that should undergo an asymptomatic test or a test done on a routine basis.  For anyreason.  People ought to just walk past these testing stations.  They have absolutely no standing whatsoever.’ 

As Dr. McCullough noted that FDA never approved these PCR tests for asymptomatic individuals.  As of June 25th, WHO has said no asymptomatic testing.  Of course, the media in this country have ignored this bulletin from WHO.  Why?  The politicians need fear to be able to control the public.  False positives contribute to that fear.

  1. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.  It cannot be improved by vaccination, or any other method.   A person who has developed immunity after exposure to the virus is at minimal risk of becoming seriously ill again from COVID.  Where apparent cases of that kind have been reported, a misinterpretation in the test procedure has been responsible.

McCullough notes that there is no meaningful chance of having a second serious case of COVID.  There has not been a single confirmed case worldwide.  This includes the variants.  Variants do not penetrate natural immunity.  So, why should individuals who have had COVID get the jab?  They shouldn’t.  They cannot improve their immunity.  They can only suffer adverse events.

Even with loosely defined cases, 11 studies involving 650,000 individuals showed a long-term recurrence rate of only 0.2 per cent.  ‘Someone who is naturally immune can walk up to someone who has Covid-19, get a big cough in the face, and they are not going to get the illness.’ 

  1. Covid-19, no matter what the variant, is easily treatable at home with simple, available drugs.  About 85 per cent of hospitalization and death is completely avoidable with early treatment.  ‘The only way people end up in hospital and have a miserable time is when they receive no treatment.’ 

It’s easy to treat the illness early on, when the symptoms are mild.  It has three major components: Viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis – blood clots.  Once these develop, they lower oxygen levels in the lungs and are hard to reverse.

Unfortunately, the major medical organizations were telling doctors that no treatments existed. Good frontline doctors uncovered viable treatments.  These people were smeared as quacks and worse.  Why?  If Dr. McCullough’s estimates are accurate, America suffered more than 500,000 avoidable deaths from COVID.

  1. The current Covid vaccines – AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna – are obsolete.  ‘They do not cover the new variants.  Patients are being hospitalised and getting sick, despite having the vaccines.’  And because of the record levels of deaths and injuries reported after the jabs, they should be considered ‘unsafe and unfit for human use.’ 

McCullough went on to talk about the “Trusted News Initiative.”  This initiative was announced last December.  It would do everything to promote vaccination and to suppress early treatment protocols and information relating to the unsafe nature of the vaccines.

McCullough noted that there have been no press briefings on vaccine safety.  Mortality is off the charts.  This is the largest vaccine rollout in the history of the planet.  But no briefings on the safety of the product.  There has never been a vaccine that has had the deleterious results that are being seen.  The senile idiot who leads this government keeps calling them “safe and effective.”  They are not either.  Why this charade?

They are trying to force vaccination on the whole country through government decrees.  At the same time the FDA and the CDC are hiding information about treatments that are not off label but rather have an EUA.  Specifically this refers to the monoclonal antibody treatment that PDJT received.  The US government purchased 500 million doses.  The current administration is trying to limit where these shots go.  Red states appear to be at the bottom of the list.

Again it appears that the suppression of information is designed to hype the fear.  A fearful public is easier to control and influence.  Those in power do not care if a lot of people die who could be saved so long as it promotes their own power and control.

McCullough spoke to the issue of vaccine safety.  He noted that 500 million vaccination shots given in a normal year would result in roughly 160 deaths not “temporally related” to the vaccination.  McCullough noted that with some 300 million shots the deaths are astronomical.  There are literally tens of thousands of deaths.  And there is no safety oversight going on.

This ignores all the other safety issues which in this country alone number in the hundreds of thousands.

Mutations were another area that McCullough delved into.  We have been hearing about “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In Israel which is highly vaccinated (near 90%), 80% of the cases are in vaccinated people.  The dominant strain in the US (Delta) appears to be immune to the vaccines.  Why boosters?

“Mass vaccinations are backfiring on the population.”

The late emergence of horrible adverse events did show up in the clinical trials.  Why wasn’t the program shut down?  This will be forever known as the Biden Effect.  It doesn’t matter how unsafe the vaccines are, they will always be safe and effective according to our government.  1984 has truly arrived.  Safe is unsafe.

The vaccine programs should be shut down immediately.  They are only making things worse.