Stop This NOW!

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Karl Denninger has written extensively on the COVID-19 scam.  On Thursday Denninger took a dive into the adverse event (AE) of myocarditis occurring following injection of either dose of the so-called vaccines.  The numbers are scary.  In any previous drug trial in this country, the trial would have been stopped when such numbers showed up.

There is a preface in Denninger’s post that is important for the entire discussion.

Denninger notes:

VAERS is known to materially under-report adverse events.  We do not know what the multiplication factor for these findings is as a consequence of that.

Just how under-reported are these cardiac events?  There is no way to know for sure.  In the past the expectation was that some 1% to 10% of adverse events made it into the VAERS system.  The system is difficult to navigate and to enter the relevant data.  It can take 30 minutes to enter just one event.

With the higher profile of this vaccination campaign and with a greater knowledge of the existence of VAERS itself, it is likely that a higher percentage of these events is making it into the system.  Is it 1 in 5 or 1 in 4 or 1 in 3?  Let’s make an assumption that 25% of such events are actually being captured in the system.  Keep in mind that in some locales doctors and nurses have been actively discouraged from doing so.

Let’s also note that Finland, Sweden and Denmark have suspended the use of Moderna’s injection for males under 30.  Why?  To prevent “rare but harmful side effects.”  These effects include the possibility of permanent heart damage.

Denninger reports:

This is not uncommon or “rare” as claimed; there are in fact, as of July 9th, nearly 130,000 such reports for Covid-19 jabs.  If we accept the CDC’s numbers for the number of Americans jabbed this puts the rate of cardiac adverse events are right around one in a hundred!

What’s nasty is that while the myocarditis incidence is skewed heavily toward males under 30 the cardiac incidence is not; it is centered in the 20-70 range, or roughly “right up the middle” for the people in the nation as a whole.

Indeed, given the known under-reporting in VAERS a 1-in-100 incidence for a category of serious adverse events is extraordinarily significant.  There is every reason to believe we may be causing cardiac injury to as many as one in 25 people who get these shots!

One in a million is rare.  One in a hundred is not.  Without clinical follow-up, it is impossible to know just how frequently something like myocarditis is.  VAERS is giving us a peak.  However, it is not a rigorous effort.  Just as there have been few autopsies of people who have died after being jabbed, there are no known follow-up studies being done.  Why?

That answer is obvious.  The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) would be withdrawn if such data became obvious.  The EUA would not have been given if such evidence of significant serious heart risk became obvious in the original studies.

Denninger goes on to indicate that markers of potential trouble were present and were deliberately ignored.  If true, it is not just Dr. Fauci who has blood on his hands.

Drs. Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough have reported on the extraordinary rates of myocarditis in young people.  Specifically they noted:

Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males.

19 times the background rate!  That hardly seems to be a rare AE.  A 5-fold increase after dose 2 as opposed to dose 1.  What will happen when doses 3, 4, 5, etc. are given?  And this insanity continues unabated right now as Pfizer is pushing for the right to inject these poisons into younger children.  What will happen to these rates if that happens?

This needs to stop now!

Denninger continues on to discuss potential futures.  None of this is knowable with any certainty.  However, his prognostications are worthy of discussions with experts in the field.  You can read his entire article here.