CRT And Other Domestic Terrorism Threats

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It is hard to believe America could have a worse AG than Eric Holder.  However, on Wednesday Tucker Carlson discussed the directive by AG Merrick Garland for the FBI in conjunction with the National Security Division to investigate any parent who opposes the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the masking of kids in school.  There will undoubtedly be many such discussions across the country in the coming months.  Few will be done as masterfully as Carlson’s monologue.

Take 16 minutes out of your day and listen to what Carlson has to say.

Tucker Carlson is the only media “journalist” willing to say this out loud.  He is articulate, eloquent, well-researched and fearless in putting forth a case that, irrespective of whether or not you agree or disagree with it, is nevertheless always worthy of intelligent discussion.  Carlson does this despite the threats against his family that have forced him to move them out of the Washington DC area.

There is little doubt that this administration is attempting to crush all dissent of administration policies.  The desperation of the Communists Democrats is palpable.  The attempt to end civil liberties like free speech and respectful disagreement is blatantly obvious.  Why?  There are trillions of dollars at stake.

Carlson reminds me of a statement that PDJT made at one point.

“They are not coming after me, they are coming after you, I’m just in their way”

So it is with Carlson.  He is an impediment to the overthrowing of the constitutional order that the Left is attempting.  Without significant pushback from all Americans, George Orwell’s statement may become reality.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”