Who To Blame

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Jack Cashill has written an article for spectator.org that delves into the next level of COVID mania.  Specifically, who will the power elite blame when the next COVID surge comes and continues to spread despite most people being vaccinated?  How will the public react when they realize the vaccination narrative put forth by political officials was fake news?  You can read Jack’s article below.

Irish Quandary: Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?

On Thursday, the mindless avatar inhabiting the White House fielded a scripted question from the sycophant Anderson Cooper about people claiming the right to refuse the jab.  Biden brushed off the idea of liberty.

“Freedom? I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID.  No, I mean come on — freedom.”

I have heard this answer many times in different ways when facts have been presented showing the problems and issues arising from the “vaccines.”  When facts are presented that cannot be refuted (sometimes directly from government databases), the individual drops back to emotional arguments.  One of the favored responses has been “I know people who have died.”

These responses are supposed to make one collapse and beg forgiveness for even suggesting a different approach than the jab.  One is supposed to ignore the deaths after receiving the jab.  One is supposed to ignore the hundreds of thousands of serious side effects that have been reported.  One is supposed to ignore the effective treatments that exist.  One is supposed to ignore the excess deaths that are now showing up in countries that were early adopters of mass vaccination.

Cashill goes onto delve into the issues in Waterford County in Ireland.  Jack asks who are health officials going to blame next.

In the Republic of Ireland, however, health officials are running out of people to blame. This has becoming embarrassingly obvious in County Waterford. As reported in the Irish Times, the nation’s establishment newspaper, two of the three most COVID-infected electoral areas in Ireland are located in the county “with the highest rate of vaccination in the country.” In Waterford, a remarkable 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 is fully vaccinated.

The arbitrary evolution of Irish COVID policy over the past 18 months has made it clear that public health officials and government policy makers have no idea what they are doing. If proof were needed, County Waterford provides it. According to data published on October 21, Waterford City South has the nation’s highest 14-day incidence rate at 1,486 cases per 100,000 and Tramore-Waterford City West has the third highest at 1,122 cases per 100,000. This is despite internal travel bans and the county’s more than 90 percent vaccination rate.

Although Waterford is running three times the rate of the nation writ large, Ireland as a whole is not faring particularly well, especially given its draconian restrictions. In the seven days preceding October 21, Ireland reported 2,026 new cases. To put that number in perspective, wide-open Florida had 2,262 cases during that same period with a population more than four times greater than the Irish Republic’s.

In New Zealand they are talking about putting unvaxxed people in “quarantine camps.”  With Waterford County’s astronomical vaccination rate, who would they be able to do that to?  Waterford County demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the “vaccines.”  This is science speaking loud and clear.

The globalists did a great job of spreading fear porn about the virus.  People all over the world have bought the lies. This is not about a virus.  It is about control. The masking, social distancing and testing were all to make us fear and keep us away from each other. Divide and Conquer, an age old strategy. And it worked.

A change of narrative is already underway.  One has to get a “booster” to remain “fully vaccinated.”  This will enable a never-ending stream of money to flow to Big Pharma.

There is growing evidence that the deleterious effects of this therapy may be cumulative.  As one commenter noted, “Get the jab.  End up on the slab.”  However, such information is being ruthlessly suppressed.  Individuals who stand up to this nonsense are being cancelled.

Cashill notes:

Indeed, to dissent on just about any COVID-related issue comes at a price. The case of former University College–Dublin professor and Irish Freedom Party chair, Dolores Cahill, is instructive. Prior to her emergence in the anti-vaccination movement, Cahill had been considered “superstar” of Irish scientific research.

Cahill’s standing in polite society began to unravel in March 2021 when she was induced to resign her Freedom Party chairmanship after “making unsubstantiated claims at an anti-lockdown rally.”

In August 2021, readers of the Irish Times learned that a bench warrant had been issued in London for the arrest of the “prominent Covid sceptic and anti-vaccination campaigner.” Among other offenses Cahill was charged with holding “a gathering of more than six people in any place.”

By October 2021, the same month that the Waterford numbers were making a hash out of all official vaccination claims, the Irish Times was trashing the now “former” UCD professor as a “conspiracy theorist” and “one of the main purveyors of anti-vaccination misinformation.”

Again, it is all about power and control.  The time for America to stop the drug pushers is now.  More and more people are beginning to understand the need to stand up and be counted.  This is one infection that I would like to see spread all over the country.