Re-education Camps  

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Are you wondering whether re-education camps like those being built in Australia could be on the horizon for America?  Worry no longer.  According to the CDC it appears that forcible re-education is part of their plan to get non-compliant police to “accept” vaccination.

Mike Adams has written a piece about this subject which can be read in its entirety below.

Re-education Camps Announced by the CDC

According to Adams:

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared that the Biden regime is planning to force unvaccinated police and government workers to take “counseling” and lessons so that they change their minds about taking the shots.

“There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated,” Walensky declared.

This is the result of a step-by-step process to force everyone to get the jab.

Create an unbridled fear of a virus that most people don’t even know they have had.  Polls show that most people believe that upwards of 40% of people who contract the virus will wind up in the hospital.  The reality is far different with very few people actually being admitted with COVID.  However, the fear created by the media coerces many people to inject a poison into their bodies.

When vaccination rates begin slowing down, amp up the propaganda campaign.  Shame people by saying they are killing their loved ones.  Call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  This will lead some more to capitulate.  Once vaccination rates reach a certain level, praise these people as enlightened.  Show ads that depict a utopia of normalcy returning to their lives.  All of this is psychological warfare to wear down even more people.

Next, the Constitution be damned.  Threaten people’s livelihoods.  Stalin would be proud of these efforts.  Communism has arrived in America.  One no longer controls what goes into one’s body.  As Adams notes:

You are no longer allowed to have an informed, rational view based on available data. Your mental health will be challenged — and “corrected” — in order to conform to the delusions of the very State that’s trying to exterminate you.

Next, comes the children.  An EUA will be issued that will result in kids being required to get the jab.  The hell with the damage this may do their bodies.

The time to say “No” is now.  Do not cave into them.  You are not alone.  You can make a profound difference.
