Biden Yells At America

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On Tuesday Biden yelled at America because tens of millions are refusing to poison their bodies with the vaccines from hell.  Biden tries to pretend that he is just trying to save lives.

The well-being of the public has always been the pretense that dictators have used to force their mandates on people.  Think about the mantra that abortion is about saving lives.  Yes, that is really what some abortionists try to foist upon America.  The tens of millions of babies who have been murdered do not count.

We have already seen that there will be a demand for boosters.  What are the number of jabs before we are “protected?”  What are the cumulative effects of these jabs?  Controlled studies show that the rate of serious side effects increases with the second jab.

Perhaps this short clip, sums up all of the real reasons for the coercion we are seeing across America.

Humorous it may be but what is scary about this clip is the fact that this is reality and is actually understated.  This clip needs to circulate across the media.

People need to understand that, if the government really cared about our lives, they would not have demonized hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.  They would not have threatened the lives and livelihoods of doctors who are trying to save lives with these drugs which are actually “safe and effective.”  How many people died in this country because of this?

President Reagan’s quote is appropriate here.  The nine scariest words.

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”