Did Biden’s Handlers Bait Putin Into A War?

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Let’s always keep in mind that the media (both Russian State media and western Big Media) will create narratives favorable to their owners.  Putin is the owner in Russia.  The Deep State is the owner here in America.

With that as a backdrop, Ukraine President Zelenskyy did an interview on CNN recently.  Zelenskyy has his own agenda and it is not quite clear to me just what it is.  Is he a puppet of the West who may not have realized just what a horrendous path he was being led down?  Is he a pawn who is and will be paid handsomely for his role in creating this war?

Interviews with people like Zelenskyy are not necessarily the scripted events that we often see during Presidential press briefings in this country.  Zelenskyy is a polished stage presence (he was a comedian) but is not necessarily a polished politician.  As such, snippets of interviews with such people can reveal much more about the background of events than was bargained for when the interview started.

In the CNN interview Zelenskyy talked about how the war would not have happened if Ukraine had been admitted to NATO.  He went on to thank NATO countries for their aid.  Zelenskyy then pitched once again being admitted to NATO.

Zelenskyy has been portrayed as a hero fighting for his people.  However, his recent decision to ban all opposition parties bespeaks a different story. But that is another issue.  Up to this point in the interview, it is all pretty standard fare which we have seen and heard for the last few weeks.

But then came the money quote.

“I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no,” Zelensky said. “And the response was very clear, you’re not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open,” he said.  {CITATION)

Let that sink in.  Ukraine’s membership in NATO has long been a red line for Russia.  Russia would never concede to allowing Ukraine to enter NATO.  The NATO countries led by the United States were NEVER going to let Ukraine in.  However, the Biden administration would pretend that such a possibility existed.  Why?

And pretend they did.  From Reuters:

Reuters, December 9, 2021 – “U.S. President Joe Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that Kyiv’s bid to join the NATO military alliance was in its own hands, Zelenskiy’s chief of staff said after the two leaders spoke on Thursday.

Now throw in the fact (per the New York Times ) that US intelligence and Dept of State were sharing carefully crafted info with China about the troop buildup by Russia.  There is no way that the people behind Biden did not think that such info would not find its way into Russian hands.  Now add into that Biden’s apparently senile moment when he stated that a minor incursion into Ukraine would not elicit a military response from America and/or NATO.

This was the most avoidable war in human history.  However, it certainly appears that Biden’s handlers wanted a war. Again, the question becomes why?

Some people want to say that it just shows the incompetence of a senile old man.  Sundance over at CTH has a quote that may be instructive here.

Never ascribe to incompetence that which can be explained by manipulative intent.

Biden is a disposable front man for the people behind the curtain.  How competent those people may be is certainly a subject for debate.  However, unlike the incompetents who are the public face of the administration, we do not know who they are.

How does the war help them?  Geopolitical crises usually help the party in power.  They can at least diminish the negatives of bad policy decisions.  The people behind the curtain believe that Ukraine war will distract the public from the cause of the economic woes that are besetting most Americans.

In addition, Sundance notes:

This crisis actually helps advance the goals and objectives of domestic policy in multiple ways.

The people around Biden want soaring energy costs; they want huge increases in gasoline costs as part of their Green New Deal agenda.  These are ideological travelers, the most intense elements within the Obama crowd, and Biden has been installed as a disposable figurehead allowing them to operate a policy agenda without any concern for political damage.

Paving the path to ‘The Great Reset’, also known as ‘Build Back Better’, is much easier when the fundamental change crowd can just plow full speed ahead.

These are the most entrenched ideologues who consider federal deficit spending as a means to an end, where the U.S. is fundamentally changed and forever diminished because we are broke.

Through this prism of consequence, all of the negative domestic outcomes from Russia entering Ukraine and our responses therein, are not viewed as bad outcomes.  These consequences are domestic and economic pains to be embraced, not avoided.  After all, the people delivering these outcomes will never, themselves, feel any of it.

While Ukraine appears to have been a nexus for corruption particularly the laundering of US tax dollars to various political elites, those running the Great Reset probably see Ukraine as expendable.  Another corruption nexus can always be found.

The people running this sham may or may not be incompetent but they certainly are evil.  They are responsible for a ton of death, destruction and misery.  They are getting people killed in Ukraine, both Ukrainians and Russians.  They tried to get Poland involved with the Mig nonsense.  That would certainly have led to many deaths there since Poland would have effectively declared war against Russia with such an action.  Russia would certainly have retaliated.  Russian hypersonic missiles can easily reach Poland.

Where does all of this go from here?  I am no fan of Vladimir Putin.  However, insulting him as Biden has done does not seem to be the best strategy toward resolution.

One message coming out of this is clear.  Putin is no fan of the Great Reset.  With Putin leading Russia, Russia will not be swallowed up by the New World Order.  Because of this, I believe that Biden’s handlers will want to continue this war as long as possible.  Once Russia wins and they will win, a resistance will be formed to continue the “battle for democracy and freedom.”

Hopefully the truth will come out sooner rather than later.  We can certainly pray for that.