What Hath Elon Musk Wrought, Part 3

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Exposing a coup.

The Elon Musk/Twitter saga has been most interesting to watch.  After purchasing a 9.2% share of Twitter, he then proposed buying the company outright.

Twitter acted to prevent the takeover by using a poison pill approach.  This would involve issuing shares at half price if any investor would gain ownership of more than 15% of the outstanding shares.

Twitter’s actions (poison pill offer) publicized Twitter’s desire to censor free speech.

What is this the sole purpose of all of Elon Musk’s actions?

If it was, it was highly successful.  The left went bonkers and exposed themselves even more as petty tyrants who would censor their grandmother to keep control over the people.

However, there certainly seems to be a strong indication that Musk has determined to expose another seamy side to how Twitter operates.  According to experts in the field, there does not seem to be any way that Twitter has a business model that is not supported by one or more government entities.

The short story is that Twitter is not a platform built around a website.  Twitter is a platform for comments and discussion that operates in the sphere of social media.  As a consequence, the technology and data processing required to operate the platform does not have an economy of scale.

In fact, just the opposite is true.  As Sundance noted:

Within the systems of technology for public (user engagement) commenting, there is no economy of scale.  Each added user represents an increased cost to the operation of the platform, because each user engagement demands database performance to respond to the simultaneous users on the platform.  The term “simultaneous users” is critical to understand because that drives the cost.

The key to understanding the Twitter dynamic is to see the difference between, (a) running a website, where it doesn’t really matter how many people come to look at the content (low server costs), and (b) running a user engagement system, where the costs to accommodate the data processing -which increase exponentially with a higher number of simultaneous users- are extremely expensive.   Twitter’s entire platform is based on the latter.

So how is Twitter able to operate when more users mean exponentially more costs?  Sundance has done back-of-the-envelope calculations that put Twitter’s operating costs around at least $1 billion per month minimum.  In 2021, Twitter generated $5.1 billion in revenue, according to the Wall Street Journal.  How does Twitter still exist?

The theory is that Twitter’s servers may well be owned by various governments — maybe the Saudis, maybe others in the Five Eyes network but almost certainly the U.S. government.  And Twitter pays little or nothing for that usage.

This would be some kind of public-private partnership that has, to this point in time, been largely hidden from public oversight.  It would include other social media firms like Facebook.  While national security needs will be the buzzwords used to justify this, it is, in fact, a system for surveillance of the American people that is well outside the bounds of legality, freedom and liberty.

The implications of this are staggering and downright scary.

If Twitter has been covering up how it operates, it has exposed itself to titanic liability for lying to its shareholders and others.  It would be securities fraud not to disclose such an important financial component of their business model.  However, the probability that any real investigation of that will take place is small and nil.

It would also turn Twitter operations into quasi-government operations, making all of its ideological censoring a direct violation of the first amendment.  This would amount to paying a third party to eliminate free speech.

Will Musk be able to bring enough sunlight to all of this?  Time will tell.  However, there is no question that Musk has shaken up some of the useful idiots on the left.

The full exposing of how these social media companies are actually deep in bed with the government would be another blow to the current administration and perhaps more importantly, to the people behind the curtain.  In an attempt to get out ahead of where this appears to be going, former Obama-era intelligence officials have written a letter to Congress warning against messing with Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).  As expected, they claim that it would be catastrophic for the national security.

The hubris of this people is amazing.  They tout themselves as the only purveyors of what is truth and fact.  These are people who claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.  They are using the Ukraine-Russia conflict, one that was instigated by our administration, to distract the public from what they are really doing behind the scenes in this country.

Glenn Greenwald notes:

…these national security operatives barely bother to hide their intention to exploit the strong animosity toward Russia that they have cultivated, and the accompanying intense emotions from the ubiquitous, unprecedented media coverage of the war in Ukraine, to prop up their goals. Over and over, they cite the grave Russian threat — a theme they have been disseminating and manufacturing since the Russiagate fraud of 2016 — to manipulate Americans to support the preservation of Big Tech’s concentrated power, and to imply that anyone seeking to limit Big Tech power or make the market more competitive is a threat to U.S. national security.

For anyone who has seen the marionette strings, the opening paragraph describes our current government very well.  There really is an ongoing battle between authoritarianism and the people who believe in freedom and liberty.  And it is happening right here in America.

The above letter is an attempt to preserve the system that was created by the Patriot Act and which was retooled to control the flow of information that the public sees.  This is all being done by the Fourth Branch of government, the Intelligence Branch.

Before 9-11 the intelligence community undoubtedly influenced and controlled many government institutions.  However, there was still some oversight from the Legislative Branch.  It took some time but the Patriot Act essentially ended that oversight.

As Sundance noted:

The Obama era intelligence team took pre-assembled intelligence weapons we should never have allowed to be created and turned those weapons into tools for radical, political and fundamental change.  The target was the essential fabric of our nation. Ultimately, this corrupt political process gave power to create the Fourth Branch of Government, the Intelligence Branch.  From that perspective, the fundamental change was successful.

This means that the people behind the throne, the Deep State, are the ones actually running the government.  They can shape public opinion via bots and other methods of subterfuge with Twitter elites looking the other way as they rake in the profits.

Monica Showalter talks about something that is even scarier.

Twitter shut down the president of the United States, which, if it’s controlled by the government, while the elites take the profits, it means the government itself shut Trump down.  What would be the implications of that, and how the heck could this scandal be corrected?  It would show the extent of the rot of the Deep State that an entity so closely connected to the federal government could carry out that kind of coup.  And that presents a constitutional crisis.  This kind of third-world behavior would have to be exposed by Musk — and Congress would need to stop it.

Expecting Congress to step up when so many of its members are compromised (and, yes, they are compromised, just ask Madison Cawthorne), is like looking for the sun to rise in the West.  It won’t happen without a wholesale cleaning out of the Intelligence services and immense pressure from the public.

I had a friend who always questioned how Facebook was a viable entity financially.  It appears that he may have been right.  The fourth branch of the government, the intelligence services, cannot allow the exposure of how Twitter and the other social media companies operate to happen.  This would implicate them in the censoring of free speech as starters.  It would also shine a light on the likelyhood that they participated in the fraud of the 2020 election.

Thus, they will try to hide all of this behind the shield of “national security.”  The real danger is that their control of the intelligence agencies and the information that is collected would be inhibited.

Thank you, Elon Musk, for starting this particular ball rolling.  Thank you, PDJT, for your efforts to expose the corruption in Washington.  Hopefully we can get some of our country back.