Censorship Is The Hallmark Of The Left

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On January 13, 2022, the mindless one who sometimes sleeps at the White House gave these instructions to Big tech:

“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets: Please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows.  It has to stop.”   ~ Joe Biden

Make no mistake.  There will be an unrelenting assault on the principles of free speech by those on the left.  They cannot win open debates on the policies that most people recognize as being detrimental to the very nature of freedom and liberty.

On Friday night, Tucker Carlson interviewed Naomi Wolf, a classic liberal.  Their topic…mis-, dis-, mal-information.

This is a very good example of non-partisan open discussion.  This is the type of discussion that scares the bejesus out of the Democrats.  Totalitarians always shut down or co-opt the organs of speech and thought in order to seize and maintain power.  When their control starts to slip away, they will resort to emotional appeals like “democracy is threatened.”

Wolf does a really good job in this interview.  As Sundance notes:

Wolf doesn’t waste time debating “misinformation”, “disinformation”, or “malinformation”, instead she accurately just says those things do not exist. Information stands undefined. From that position there are truth and lies.  Her approach is exactly correct.  Do not accept the insanity of the Alinsky language effort.

The effort of the government in this exercise with different words for lies is to shut questioning of the government.  Again, there are truths.  And there are lies.  To repeat what has been said before.  One was not born with a requirement to believe everything one is told.  Everyone has a brain that allows for the processing of information.  From this, one can make independent decisions based on such information.  And that ability to act independently is very scary to the totalitarians.

The current government wants to control how people think.  The public does not have any right to the truth only to the narrative that is put out by the government.  For this reason, we now have a Ministry of Truth.

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” — Thomas Paine

It is time to start a campaign to defund the Ministry of Truth.  Let your congress critter know that this incursion of our rights will not be allowed.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a difference.
