Fascism Comes To Baby Formula

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What is it called when the “government takes over control of the means of production?”  Socialism, communism, fascism are all legitimate answers to that question.  That is what happened on Wednesday afternoon when Joe Biden (at the direction of his handlers) used the Defense Production Act (DPA) to seize control of the supplies needed to create baby formula.  Authority was also given to the Secretary of Health and Human Services to determine who gets the formula.

White House [DPA Sec. 2] – “[T]he authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act to require performance of contracts or orders … is delegated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to all health resources, including the ingredients necessary to manufacture infant formula.”

“(b)  The Secretary of Health and Human Services may use the authority under section 101 of the Act to determine, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the heads of other executive departments and agencies as appropriate, the proper nationwide priorities and allocation of all ingredients necessary to manufacture infant formula, including controlling the distribution of such materials (including applicable services) in the civilian market, for responding to the shortage of infant formula within the United States.” (read more)

This is astounding.  The government creates the shortage by forcing Abbott Labs to shut down over baseless charges regarding bacterial contamination of their products.  Then they refuse to allow the company to resume production.

One expert noted:

The genomic study was performed for forensics, submitted to the FDA and the “panel” of FDA regulators and there was zero matches to the bacteria determined to be the pathogen and any measurements of the same on the product…even in the left over baby formula that was linked to the bacteria. FDA then simply reframed the allegation that it was some institutional lack of testing. There have been zero detections of this bacteria at the facility, and it’s supply chain system that indicates for this bacteria. None. Some call this extraordinary business operations and good food safety measures. I would agree. Most people would.

Why did the FDA reject the scientific evidence?

While the company has been kept shut down for three months (the FDA refused to allow a restart of production), supplies for everyday Americans dwindled while the government commandeered  pallets of formula to ship to ICE centers for illegal aliens.  While no one wants babies to go hungry, Americans should come first when there are insufficient supplies for everyone.

Now the government is taking over the means of production.  In a very real sense they have seized a private company. What could possibly go wrong there?  Not only that but the government will decide who gets the limited supplies.  Will unvaccinated babies be required to get jabbed before they can buy overpriced formula?

This is a flashback to the old Soviet Union.  Moscow controlled the means of production for most things.  How did that work out?

This is a manufactured crisis to get people to accept greater government control over the production and distribution of products within the economy.  It’s a testing of the waters to see just how much government control people will accept.

Who is going to profit from this?  Did Abbott Labs fail to make sufficient donations to the campaign coffers of powerful political figures?  Will Facebook get involved by censoring recipes for infant formula?  If that happens, you will know that the fix is in at the highest levels of government.

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