The Definition of Radical

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The left is hard at work trying to get the public to accept specific definitions of radical that conform to their agenda of trying to fundamentally transform the country into a communist state.

Radical:  Allowing adult males and females to decide the risk of wearing or not wearing a mask.

The problem here is that allowing such individual assessments undermines the ability of the state to control the thinking of the public.  This could lead to some members of the public actually disagreeing with government pronouncements.

Radical:  Allowing board-certified members of the medical community to disagree with public health pronouncements by bureaucrats in Washington.

This could lead to the public finding out about cheap therapeutics that would work against viruses like COVID.  That would severely reduce the royalties that are paid to members of our public health hierarchy. How many billionaires were minted through the bogus “vaccine?”

California is currently trying to outlaw such dissent.

Radical:  Believing that the public schools should provide an educational environment that is focused on learning and preparation for the real world.

Such an approach would end the indoctrination of kids into believing that communism is the utopian solution to all the problems of the world.

Radical:  Believing in the right of self-defense that includes the use of guns.

The problem here for the Left is that an armed citizenry makes it much more difficult to subjugate the public despite Biden’s announcement that he has F-15’s and nukes.  Therefore, they have to make it seem like such a belief is a sign of mental instability.  This also explains their unusual interest in passing open ended “red flag” laws.

Radical:  Believing that there are two sexes not 100+

This is another area where the Left uses nonsense to divide the country against itself.

Here are things that the Left believes are normal and fine.

OK:  Allowing CHILDREN to make life-altering, irreversible decisions about their “gender identity.”  Also to prohibit their parents from having any say so in this decision.

The long-term goal of the Left is to co-opt the raising of children.  Parents should just provide the egg and sperm.

OK:  To hide the mental illness of children from their parents.  Teachers should not be allowed to notify parents about gender dysphoria that their child is experiencing.

Again, the left wants to be able to indoctrinate children without the parents’ knowledge.

OK:  To encourage students to hate themselves, their peers, and our country.

This is what Critical Race theory is all about.  It is another wedge to drive people apart.

OK:  To get children to believe that the color of their skin defines who they are, oppressor or oppressed.

MLK would be turning over in his grave to see this in our country.

These people are out of touch with the ideas of liberty, individualism and self-reliance.  It is time to vote all Democrats and half the Republican Party out of office in Washington.  They no longer represent the people of this country.