Unborn Child

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The popular notion going around is that it is easy to care for the unborn because they ask nothing of us, don’t pay taxes, can’t be counted in a census, aren’t really human, and other assorted comments.

The popular notion is that those who care for the life of the unborn do not care for any other human because that would be hard to do.

The popular notion is that those who recognize a child in the womb as valuable and worth saving are mere Bible thumpers with an oversized ego.

To those who think that, I say the following:

Unborn does not mean not yet human.

Unborn does not mean not yet alive.

The unborn human child is called scientific names and labeled an inconvenience in order to depersonalize it and hide its true nature thus salving the consciences of those who want to destroy it.

Unborn means a human child not yet having left the protective climate-controlled environment of the womb of Mother.

Unborn means a human child depending on a connection to food and oxygen supply from Mother and being comforted by the steadiness of Mother’s heartbeat.

Unborn means a human child waiting to come through and out into the world to suckle at Mother’s breast as she holds her baby, the next generation, in her arms.

Unborn means a human child who was birthed by Mother and grew up to be you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and me in all our iterations.

Hat tip…Heritage Foundation