Vaccine Morbidity in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts is a leading medical and pharmaceutical center in the country and in the world.  Massachusetts has been at the forefront technological advances that have benefited mankind.  This post explores Coquin de Chien’s article on how Massachusetts has fared in the recent COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent “vaccine” morbidity that continues to this day.

I have a number of acquaintances in Massachusetts with whom I converse from time to time.  Their lack of skepticism at the actions of players in the Big Pharma arena and within their government sometimes amazes me.  I have a local friend who is originally from Massachusetts. He has expressed on more than one occasion that he did not understand that more than one viewpoint existed until he moved away from there.  In Massachusetts it seems that there is only one voice speaking and that is the voice of Big Brother.

Coquin de Chien’s article “details a forensic journey in a one-of-a-kind, brute-force, pedestrian, forensic analysis of the official Massachusetts government data to discover what happened and is happening in a population of ~ 6.9 million people at the fore of C19 “science.”

Coquin notes:

… there was a short pandemic of respiratory deaths in 2020. Then, in the year of injections en masse, deaths switched to mainly circulatory system deaths. Something is attacking the circulatory systems of citizens of Massachusetts.

This is a crucial point.  Never in the history of medicine has a specific illness changed how it manifests itself over time.  And this is even more noteworthy when the period of time is one year.

De Chien continues:

Three main events are initially depicted: a pandemic, an extremely attenuated second wave of disease no longer a pandemic, and a nearly steady-state excess death anomaly in the second half of 2021 (likely began around February 2021, but was obscured by lower than normal deaths of 85+yo’s due to culling from C19 in spring 2020).

Investigation of the anomaly indicates that excess deaths are circulatory system involved, also known and documented in the C19 vaccine trial data. Though myocarditis gets the most notoriety, the entire circulatory system is under attack.

Please note it is not de Chien’s intent to explore all of the negative effects of this gene therapy that is posing as a vaccine.  And it is not a vaccine by any definition.  That certainly includes the definition that existed before the much-ballyhooed introduction of the mRNA therapy as well as the changed definition when it became clear that the therapy was not working as promised.

The mRNA therapy does not prevent infection nor does it prevent transmission.  In fact, as we are seeing with more and more high-profile people, it seems to enhance those activities.  Joe Biden, the avatar who sometimes sleeps at the White House, has been infected with COVID twice despite being vaccinated twice and boosted twice.  The “sainted” Dr. Fauci, who recently recovered from a 26-day battle with COVID, is another example of how the mRNA therapy does not meet the definition of a vaccine.

Let’s get one more item out of the way.  That item is the need for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).  This is something that should have a robust debate but it is not the focus of de Chien’s piece.  As de Chien noted, the EUA transferred the burden of precautions from Big Pharma to the consumer of Big Pharma’s products.  Just what percentage of the public realized that they were now the arbiter of whether the jab was safe?

The administration and Big Pharma did a blitzkrieg of advertising telling everyone how “safe and effective” the therapy was.  This was a massive disinformation campaign.  Such a campaign would have been heartily approved by the defunct Disinformation Board since it advanced the interests of the government.  The campaign was done to distract the public from understanding that they were carrying the burden of making the determination of whether the jab was truly “safe and effective.”  How many recognized this was happening?

One thing that is often heard in connection with the numerous adverse effects after getting the jab is that correlation is not causation.  This is certainly true.  De Chien offers the following allegory about this:

If five strong swimmers died in one month in a busy lake, would you: A) close the lake to swimmers pending results of investigation, or B) leave the lake open as a small percentage of swimmers continue to die during investigation? Regarding C19 gene modification, governments chose “B”.

De Chien’s methods are an attempt to discern causation.  His data source is the official Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) death certificate database (“the database”).

I selected one of de Chien’s graphs to illustrate what has happened with mortality in Massachusetts.  This analysis can be extended to other states.  De Chien provides many other graphs.

This graph shows how far from normal deaths were during 2020 and 2021.  The 2020 line (black) shows the initial wave of COVID in the spring of 2020.  It was pretty much over by June 2020. Now one could debate that it did not need to be a severe as it was if knowledge of efficacious treatments had not been suppressed.  However, that is an argument for another time.

Let me repeat that the pandemic was OVER by June 2020.  A few states, Texas, Florida and South Carolina recognized this and went back to a more normal existence. So, why was the country locked down and suffering crippling restrictions after that?   We know why.  They needed the restrictions so that they could execute their massive election fraud campaign.  They also did not want to give up dictatorial power over the people.

The winter of 2020-2021 shows what would ordinarily be called a bad flu season.  It certainly does not qualify as a pandemic.  What is clearly an anomaly here is the second half of 2021.  There is clearly excess mortality that is not connected to COVID.  This is the time when the push for vaccines among the general public got amped up.

De Chien notes:

The blue section represents an excess of 10% to 20% deaths nearly every day for 5 months and shows no sign of stopping in 2022. Neither of the actual C19 waves lasted that long. The initial wave began late in the first season, but ripped through harshly and infected many people who never knew they were exposed. They achieved natural immunity. That makes the transmission rate R0 smaller in the next wave. The second wave had the opportunity to start from the beginning of the season, unlike the initial wave, which came late just before spring. The second wave blew itself out by the end of February 2021 before the C19 gene modification could be delivered to a significant portion of the population and take credit for stopping the deaths. Most of the vulnerable had already died or recovered with natural immunity. The great lie is that seasonal diseases like these can be anticipated, vaccinated against, and linger more than a couple years. None of that is true of the C19 type of disease. Everything government did was late and useless in terms of the illness.

However, everything the government did worked to increase their control over the public.  The “safe and effective” narrative employed by the government was designed to get people to surrender their basic liberties and to increase dependence on the government.  This is part and parcel of the Left’s plan to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian state.  Raging inflation which is making food and transportation so much more expensive is another part of that plan.

Part of de Chien’s effort was to quantify the amount of the anomaly in morbidity.  It certainly appears that more people were dying and, as it turns out, at a younger age after the pandemic phase was over.

Let me repeat this point.  During COVID morbidity was largely confined to the elderly as often happens during flu season.  Today there is a new disease acronym called SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.  It means that younger people are dying suddenly for no apparent reason.

A careful inspection of the graphs reveal that excess deaths in Massachusetts are 25+ beginning late in 2021 and continuing today.  For a 100-day period that means that excess, unexplained deaths exceed 2500.  This is well beyond rare and matches no known disease profile.

De Chien reports:

Additionally, the importance of investigating this steady state excess anomaly goes beyond the quantity of deaths. If the anomaly comprises deaths of people lower in age than the C19 victims, then the life-years lost from the cause of the anomaly is significantly greater than all life lost from C19 itself. 

Let that sink in.  De Chien is saying that the jab is robbing the planet of the productive years of many, many people.

De Chien ends his lengthy post by declaring this:

Again, the official Massachusetts database of death certificates contains proof that C19 gene modification biological injectable products killed thousands of people in Massachusetts in 2021.  Pandemics do not switch from respiratory to circulatory causes of death in one year.

If this kind of analysis was done for countries that are highly vaccinated, what would we find?

For those who wish to delve deeper into de Chien’s analysis (and there is a ton of data there), his post can be found at the link below.

C19 “vaccine” – the cause of causes

1 thought on “Vaccine Morbidity in Massachusetts

  1. David Fuentes

    I lived in Massachusetts for 40 years. Massachusetts is were Obama care came from. It should be called Romney Care. Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts when it was introduced to the state. It worked great! Massachusetts medical care is second to none.
    With that said, the state’s policies since covid have been the exact opposite than SC. Everytime I visited I felt like i was in prison! The worst was when my uncle passed from covid. He was in his late 70’s. We could not have a proper burial service either at the church or funeral home. But if I wanted i could go to the local bar, casino or even a gentleman;s club. But I can’t go to church? Makes no sense!
    I would live in that state again!

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