DeSantis Calls Out The Groomers

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With all the hysteria going on about the mental illness known as transgenderism, Governor Ron DeSantis did not hold back when questioned about the practice of mutilating kids who think they are of the opposite sex.

The Left, including some individuals within the Biden administration, think that a child mutilating him or herself is medically necessary.

If this care is so effective and protects mental health, why do 40% of transgenders who transition commit suicide?  Why do more than 80% consider committing suicide?  Who are the accredited, medical groups that support this insanity?

DeSantis did not hold back when confronted on the issue “gender affirming care.”  He cut right to the core of the matter.

And understand what that is, that’s a euphemism. They will actually take a young boy and castrate the boy. They will take a young girl and do a mastectomy, or they will sterilize her because of the gender dysphoria. There is no evidence that this is something that’s effective medical care.

And we know that people that do this when they’re kids have huge problems going on. So we believe that this is not appropriate in the state of Florida. We don’t think a doctor should get a license if they’re doing it.

And I think these doctors should be able to be sued by these folks when they develop problems later in life. This is wrong. Minors should not be having this type of stuff performed on them.

DeSantis attacks the dishonesty of language.  He lets everyone know just what “gender affirming care” really is.  If a survey were to ask people if they approved of castration for a young boy as opposed to “gender affirming care” what would the result be?  I’ll bet a lot of people would be horrified to understand that castration and sterilization are “gender affirming care.”

Thank you, Governor DeSantis for being a straight shooter.