Russia Is On The Ropes Again

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How many times since the war began in February has western media proclaimed that Russia is losing the war?  According to the media, how many hundreds of thousands of troops has Russia lost?  What new spin is there to put on the corpse that is Ukraine?

Big Media are masters at creating a narrative that Ukraine is winning and that, inevitably, Russia is losing.  The NYTimes decided it was their turn to spin the story.  According to the Times, Ukraine’s victory is inevitable and it is due to new weaponry and a new strategy.

Supplied with a growing arsenal of long-range Western weapons and aided by local fighters known as partisans, Ukraine has been able to hit Russian forces deep behind enemy lines, disrupting critical supply lines and, increasingly, striking targets that are key to Moscow’s combat potential.

Just how many such targets have been hit?  In war there are always going to be some successes to each side.  Recently Ukraine has boasted that they hit a Russian airfield and destroyed a number of aircraft there.  What effect has this had on Russia’s ability to wage war?

This war is one where artillery battles are the main staple of confrontation.  Destroying a few planes has almost no effect on Russia’s ability to use its artillery.  Russia continues to make incremental advances in the east and south of the country.

The real strategy in the war now appears to be trying to blackmail Putin into stopping.  Russia occupied the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant early in the war.  Areas near the plant have come under shelling recently.  An electrical substation was hit. Zelensky claims that Russia is the one doing the shelling.  The Times has repeated this ridiculous claim.  This would mean that Russia was shelling its own troops.

The very clear idea being pushed is that Russia is playing with the possibility of a nuclear holocaust in Ukraine.  This flies in the face of just how Russia has waged this war.  Scott Ritter has written on this.

The operation has been run with scrupulous respect for rules of war: According to Ritter, the Russian army “came in soft” to Ukraine. As distinguished from U.S. tactics in Iraq, there was no “Shock and Awe” – no preliminary levelling of entire cities such as Mosul and Fallujah. Instead, in the words of U.S. Colonel Doug Macgregor, “The first five days, I think frankly, the Russian forces were too gentle. They’ve since corrected that.” Moreover, on Ritter’s analysis, civilian targets have been carefully avoided. However, he points out that if Ukrainians use civilians as shields by, for instance, locating tanks next to hospitals or schools, those buildings become military targets. As for “mass graves,” bodies have been identified and given separate temporary marked graves near established cemeteries. In summary, according to Ritter, the rules of war have in general been followed scrupulously by the Russian army which is run by “highly professional” officers.

The campaign in Donbass is unfolding according to planPutin’s words are that the battle in Donbass is very “literate.” He means it’s being waged by the book – intentionally slowly and deliberately according to classic military strategy in order to lessen Russian casualties. Two pincers (one from the north and one from the south) have about 60,000-100,000 Ukrainian troops trapped in a military “cauldron.” Gradually (not allowing themselves to be hurried by outside expectations, criticism, and misinterpretation), the Russians are moving sector by sector towards their surrounded prey that has nowhere to go. Ukrainian options are to surrender, be killed, or attempt a breakout that will cost them at least 20,000-30,000 dead.

The Ukrainian army is a Nazi organizationRitter supports this position as follows: He asks, would you say that the U.S. Army is racist? Of course not, he answers. But what if there were in the U.S. south a highly organized KKK regiment? And what if the U.S. Army incorporated that regiment as such into its ranks and distributed its officers throughout the army hierarchy? And what if it used that regiment as the leading edge of its military operations? Would you then consider the army racist? Yes, Ritter concludes. But, he says, (mutatis mutandis) that’s precisely what’s happened in the Ukrainian armed forces. A large Nazi regiment has been incorporated as such into its ranks with Nazi officer distributed throughout. And the Ukrainian government has those forces leading the attack on the Donbass region – which has taken 14,000 lives since 2014. That renders, he concludes, the Ukrainian army and its sponsoring government Nazi.

It has long been the strategy of our uniParty politicians to paint Russia as a bogeyman.  This was an extension from the days of the Soviet Union that, indeed, had aspirations about world dominance.  Big Media, which is little more than a propaganda organization for the Democratic Party these days, has jumped into bed with them on this.

The new leftists, the ones who embraced COVID wholeheartedly, have in place a hard-left government, one that can legitimately be called marxist or communist.   The leftists hope to destroy the greatest experiment in human governance in history.

The government and their media outlets despise Putin.  Remember Putin is not a communist.  He is also anti-gay.  Conversely, the government and the media outlets like Ukraine because, at least since 2014 and probably before that, it’s been a money-laundering nation (e.g., Hunter Biden + Burisma is just one such example), which all corrupt government governments and ruling class people need.

The American establishments (government and media) are therefore propagandizing wildly for Ukraine and seeking to outdo each other in their rhetoric.

Thinking the unthinkable.

This is just another example of how Washington politicians bleed the country of treasure.  During COVID we shipped billions of dollars to big Pharma for a technology that does not work and that is causing excess mortality never seen before.  Who got rich off of that?

We are shipping billions of dollars in cash and equipment to a Nazi organization.  Didn’t WWII teach us anything?  Who in Washington is getting rich off of the siphoning of cash and arms to other places?  Only 30-40% is actually getting there. Is this why Congress refused to allow oversight by the Inspector General?

Eventually Russia will achieve its objectives and stop advancing.  I am certain this will be heralded as a huge win for the Nazis who are running Ukraine.  The only question will be how many outlets of Big Media will run with that story.  Each one that does will expose themselves as narrative spin meisters in the employ of those who would destroy freedom and liberty.