Odds & Ends

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Canada continues to devalue human life.

Justin Trudeau’s government continues to show that it little cares about the value of human life.  Starting mid-March, Canada will allow medical euthanasia for people plagued with mental disorders under the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation. From March 17, the law in Canada expands to include those suffering from mental illnesses.

Currently some 3% of all deaths are from euthanasia in Canada.  Euthanasia has been suggested to people who are having difficulties getting a stair lift for their home to allow for easier entrance and egress.

Mental health problems can stem from many reasons.  There may be depression caused by poor housing, poor job prospects and other issues, which will drive people into a deep depression. Those issues are solvable.  However, Trudeau’s government wants to make it possible for people to “solve” these problems by committing suicide.

What will be next in Canada?  Will suicide be required for those who reach a certain age?  How about if a senior catches COVID and needs hospitalization?

The NYTimes is upset that there is no ticker tape parade for Brittany Griner.  To recap recent events the Biden administration traded the Merchant of Death, Victor Bout, for a druggie. Left behind was a former Marine who has been imprisoned in Russia for four years over espionage charges.

NYT said, “There was a time when the release of American citizens who had been unjustly imprisoned by a foreign adversary was a moment for bipartisan relief and celebration: the 2018 return of three men from North Korea, secured by President Donald J. Trump, or the 1991 freeing of Terry Anderson, an American journalist, after years of captivity in Lebanon.”

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee defended the trade.  “In actuality, [Viktor Bout’s] weapons might’ve been used to kill Americans, but he has not killed Americans.” Sheila Jackson Lee said.  And this person is in Congress.  Can the bar be set any lower?

Many of us see right through Griner. We know she hates America by both her words (“I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season”) and her actions.

However, hating and bashing America is a badge of honor for the NYTimes.  The NYTimes is on the side of those who would transform America into a communist country.

Don Surber notes:

AP reported, “Philadelphia must remove the plywood box it placed over a statue of Christopher Columbus after 2020 protests over Democrat riots, a judge ruled Friday.

“In her ruling, Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt said that if the city disagrees with the message the statue sends, it can add its own plaque with what it wants to convey.”

Columbus braved the ocean in wooden boats to discover a whole new world.

George Floyd did drugs.

Democrats desecrate the former while praising the latter as a role model. We’ve gone from say no to drugs to just do it.