The Ukrainian Boondoggle

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Here’s a short list of everything that is wrong with the sending of money to Ukraine.

First, despite Mitch McConnell’s claims, spending taxpayer dollars on a proxy war in Eastern Europe is not high on the priority list for any group of voters, Democrat or Republican. Polling has noted this since the beginning of the war last February.

Second, most voters want negotiations for a peace settlement.  Ukraine is far from a democracy and is guilty of crimes against humanity with their torture and killing of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.  This has been going on for a long time.  Why is America supporting a regime that has engaged in such activities?

Third, why are we trying to protect the border of a dictatorship when our own border is non-existent?  Shouldn’t more money be devoted to stopping this invasion of our own country?

Fourth, Congress is shipping tens of billions overseas while one in four Americans cannot cover basic needs like food, shelter, energy, etc. for their families.  Isn’t the raging inflation here a more important problem than supporting a dictator overseas?

Fifth, what kind of strategic security interest is Ukraine for the United States?  The truth of the matter is that spending endless money on an indefinite war in Ukraine does nothing for Americans but create a national security threat.  Of course, it does funnel money into the military industrial complex.  How much of that money is being laundered back into the pockets of Washington politicians?

Finally, Ukraine has long been a very corrupt country.  Zelenskyy has declared war on a free press, on religious freedom and on opposition political parties.  Again, why is America supporting such a country.

The Ukrainian war was lost in the first few weeks of the conflict.  Why isn’t the administration pushing for Zelenskyy to negotiate an end to the endless slaughter of his people?