Trans Dominion

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Little did I know that when I wrote about trans-whateverism on Monday that I would be spending most of the week on that subject.  But here we are.  Why?  Because on Monday, a severely mentally disturbed woman, who believed the lie that she was a man, cut down the lives of six people in Nashville.  Among those whose lives were ended were three young Christian children that were the light of their parents’ lives.  According to those in charge, one is not supposed to talk about this.

But talk we must.  There is clearly an increasing conflict between the “trans” movement and Christianity.  The apologists are out in force trying to normalize and rationalize the insanity that took place on Monday.  Some in the media are implying that this heinous event was caused by Tennessee banning the sexual mutilation of minors.

Is this a “Do what we want or the shootings will continue” type of statement?

Not only that but elite level politicians and their spokespeople are encouraging more of the same.  Josselyn Berry, press secretary for Katie Hobbs, who was installed in the Arizona governorship, called for more violence via a tweet.

Simply put this woman is insane.  Six Christians killed including three small children and this woman is encouraging more of the same.  Just imagine the reaction if the spokesperson for a Republican governor had done this.  However, since this is a Democratic governor, it’s “Nothing to see here.  Move on.”  Undoubtedly, she will be applauded behind closed doors.

Antifa has announced a “Trans Day Of Vengeance” on Twitter.  This is being planned for Saturday in DC. Exactly what and where genocide is going on is not clear.

These people have lost their basic human dignity and values.  They are adrift in life with no moral compass to ground them.  People like Berry who would make a statement like she did are either idiots or evil.  You make the choice.

Tucker Carlson weighed on the issue.

Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. We can change the identity we were born with, they will tell you with wild-eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses.”

If one disagrees with the trans viewpoint (and most Christians would), one is painting a target on one’s back for the more extreme elements of the trans community to aim at.

Tucker goes on to delve into the issue of the manifesto.  Immediately after the shooting took place, the public was inundated with images of guns.  This was a clear and unadulterated attempt to use the tragedy to amplify anti-gun feelings.

However, the manifesto has not yet been released.  Supposedly it explains why the woman did what she did. So, what’s the holdup?  It couldn’t be that the manifesto would clearly identify that the trans movement targets Christians, could it?  What is the role of the DOJ Community Relations Service in this suppression of the manifesto?

The White House jumped right in with both feet as the press secretary and the senile one who sometimes sleeps at the White House blame Americans in general and Republicans in particular for the tragedy.  Biden called on Congress to pass the “assault weapons” ban because there are too many weapons in the hands of “soulless” Americans.  He did not call for an investigation into the shooter’s motives.  Why not?

As Christians, it’s way past time to ignore the insanity of trans-whateverism. Live your faith and follow the science.   There are two genders, there is no “trans”. Gender disorder which was changed to gender dysphoria is a mental problem.  This has been proven by this shooting on Monday and others in the recent past.

Do not let the manipulators exploit what happened to advance their political agendas.

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