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The proxy war against Russia has escalated again.  Last week four Russian aircraft, two fighter jets and two helicopters, were shot down near the Ukrainian border.  An Su-34 fighter-bomber, Su-35 fighter and two Mi-8 helicopters had made up a raiding party, and had been “shot down almost simultaneously” in an ambush in the Bryansk region.

It is highly unlikely that this was accomplished by the Ukrainian military forces.  Most likely, this event occurred through significant help from NATO troops.  Increasingly NATO forces have been involved in escalating the war in Ukraine.

One highly controversial issue has been the shipment of depleted uranium shells by the UK.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr commented on Instagram:

“In another reckless escalation, Britain has confirmed delivery of depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine. DU munitions should be banned. They partially vaporize on impact, poisoning the environment with uranium dust that causes cancer and horrific birth defects.”

Russia has apparently grown tired of the constant escalation by the West.  On Saturday, during a massive air and missile raid on Ukraine, Russian forces hit an ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky, in the western part of the country, causing gigantic explosions on the site.

Slavyangrad on Telegram:

“A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.

Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air.

Russia had had a hands-off policy on sites that had significant numbers of NATO personnel.  The policy appears to be over.  How many NATO troops died there?  How many Americans?  When will the senile one in the White House declare war so he can silence all opposition in America just as Zelensky did in Ukraine?