Does It Concern You…?

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One of the things that conservatives are sometimes faced with is how to respond to a question that is designed to back them into a corner or to allow them to be trolled.  This post is written to provide some thoughts on how to handle such questions.

Let’s take one example.  Last week PDJT was asked on the CNN Town Hall meeting “Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”  I thought that PDJT’s response was great and so did most of the audience (handpicked by CNN).  Trump responded: “I don’t think in terms of winning and losing. I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people and breaking…”

Of course, this was not the answer that the CNN moderator wanted.  She wanted to back Trump into a corner where he would have to pick Ukraine or Russia.  After all, the narrative pushed by the propagandists is that Ukraine is good and Russia is the big, bad bogeyman.  Trump refused to go there despite being repeatedly asked the question.  Trump was blasted by the leftist media for his refusal.

Each of us may be faced with such a question.  I have had this happen.  When I point out facts that make the situation less black and white, it has been suggested that I am a Russia lover.  Of course, that is supposed to be the kiss of death in such a conversation. It’s like being called a racist.  After all, Russia is supposed to be the epitome of evil according to Big Media.

However, it is possible to swing the situation around where the questioner becomes faced with a question that is uncomfortable.  Regarding the Ukraine question, asking this question can change the dynamic.

“Does the fact that we are sending money to Nazis concern you?”

This is a polite way of asking are you in bed with Nazis?  The threat of being called a Nazi is a club that has been used by the Left to bludgeon intelligent discussion on a variety of topics.  Turning this around and using a known fact (the Azov regiment is a Nazi regiment and their leadership has infiltrated much of the upper reaches of the Ukrainian military) forces the original questioner into what is an untenable position for someone on the Left.

This approach can be used in many areas of wokeness.  Let’s look at CRT in the schools.

How does one get someone who is extolling the virtues of CRT to face the reality of what is being done to children with this program? BTW the fight over CRT is a fight for our national survival.   The following question can be a good step to ending support for such an approach in school.

“Does the fact that children are being taught in school to judge people by the color of their skin concern you?”

This a polite way of asking someone if they support segregation and discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin.  This is the antithesis of what Martin Luther King wanted for America.  “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Again, a question is framed around a fact and the CRT supporter is faced with having to look ridiculous if he/she is not concerned.

How about our southern border?  The leftist propagandist will talk about the plight of people seeking asylum. The problem with this is that very few people are actual asylum seekers.  Most are just here for the free food, etc.  However, pointing this out does little to undercut the propagandist’s screed.  Perhaps this question can change the discussion.

“Does the fact that child trafficking has become more profitable than drugs or weapons concern you?”

Child traffickers are the scum of the earth.  No one in their right mind wants to stand with them.  Again, one is taking a known fact and putting the spotlight on the propagandist to answer.

Transgenderism is another area where this approach can be used.  One can have all the discussions about someone expressing their real self, mental illness, etc.  There have been some outstanding presentations by high school girls to school boards about this issue.  However, a question like this can be much more effective.

“Does the fact that men are being allowed to invade the private spaces of your mother, your wife and your daughters concern you?”

This is a polite way of asking if someone favors allowing rapists and perverts into the areas where moms, wives and daughters change.  Make them answer this question.  Again, this is stripping aside the fluff, making it personal and getting at the heart of the issue.

I think you can see how this can extended to many other issues.  It is time to take the gloves off and go after these people who would destroy this great country that so many have worked to create and sustain.