McCarthy Caves

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Did Kevin McCarthy just cave into the Deep State with the deal that supposedly he brokered?  Whose pockets are getting filled with this latest boondoggle?  How much money is going to wind up in the coffers of the RNC to be used to try to stop PDJT from being the nominee?  Who else in Washington will benefit financially from this so-called deal?

McCarthy was in a very strong position.  63% of Americans want Congress to actually cut spending, not slow the increase.  This bill does not do that.  Why did McCarthy agree to it?  Is Joe Biden some kind of Sith Lord who can force a man to do his will?  Why is McCarthy selling out our kids and grandkids?  Were these supposed negotiations all a sham?  Was this bill decided weeks ago?  Did they hold off until now to announce it when we are supposedly under the gun to avoid a default?  Is McCarthy trying to steamroller the bill through without time to vet the bill?  Is he trying to avoid having the public know what is really in the bill?

This is an act of political adultery.  What the House had previously passed should be the minimum.  That bill should have been the line in the sand.  Negotiations should have been about inflation and the weaponization of the government against everyday Americans.  It should have been about holding the FBI accountable for all the crimes they have committed by interfering in our elections.

Just what does the debt projection look like under the deal that McCarthy “negotiated?”. Pictures are worth a thousand words.

How many Republicans will vote to pass this evil bill?  I say make them pass it with Democratic votes.  Let them get to 218 with Democratic help.  Then call for a new speaker.

Senator Rand Paul has proposed an alternative to this ridiculous legislation.

Dr. Paul’s proposal:

Get on the phone and call your rep.  The current bill is not fiscally responsible.  Let your rep know.  Tell them to vote “No” on this bill unless something like Senator Paul’s suggestion is put in.