Wind & Solar Insanity

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Those who want to control all of us have begun clamoring for Biden to issue a climate emergency declaration.  This would allow the government to control all emissions under the mantra of “saving the planet.”  The push for such a declaration has slowly been growing.

Each time some natural climate event (think wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) occurs that negatively affects a group pf people, the totalitarian politicians jump up and down demanding that something be done “to save the planet.”  Fossil fuels are the target of these imprecations.

Are we really headed for an all-renewable energy future led by wind and solar?  Or is this some pipe dream that will never be realized?  Are we being fed climate misinformation to soften us up for the government taking over all sources of energy?

Mark Mills, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, lays out the facts in the five-minute video that is linked below.

It is time to call out every politician who advocates for the nonsense that we can transition to an all-renewable future in our lifetimes.  This is just a scam to subjugate free people under the thumb of marxists and communists.