Supreme Court Attacked Again

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The attack on the Supreme Court by Democrats continues.  The Democrats have been trying to delegitimize the Court since Trump elevated three constitutionalists to the Court.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) asked Chief Justice Roberts to investigate conservative Justice Samuel Alito.  Whitehouse sent a letter to Roberts demanding an ethics investigation into Alito over his recent comments about the Supreme Court in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

For the first time in 80 years, the Democrats are unable to use the Court for their purposes of changing America without passing legislation in Congress.  No longer is there a majority of justices who do not believe in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.  The Democrats know that much of what they want to do to change America would not pass muster with their constituents.

They also know that unconstitutional laws would be declared as such by the current court.  Therefore, they must get some of these justices off the court by any means necessary.

The Hill reported:

In a seven-page letter, Whitehouse lodged an ethics complaint about Alito’s recent interview with The Wall Street Journal’s opinion section, in which the conservative justice said Congress has no authority to regulate the high court.

Whitehouse, a leading critic in the Senate of ethics standards at the Supreme Court, urged Roberts to “take whatever steps are necessary” to probe the matter.

“On the Senate Judiciary Committee, we have heard in every recent confirmation hearing that it would be improper to express opinions on matters that might come before the Court. In this instance, Justice Alito expressed an opinion on a matter that could well come before the Court,” he wrote.

Whitehouse may proclaim himself to be a fighter for integrity, etc. but he has strangely refrained from saying anything about Justice Sotomayor’s ethics problems.  Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff routinely “prodded” libraries, universities and other public institutions to buy her books.  Sotomayor has netted over $3.7 million since being elevated to the court during the Obama administration.  I wonder why Whitehouse has been silent.

Whitehouse is a member of the modern Communist Democratic Party.  The modern Democratic Party is anti-American and pro-globalist, against the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in general.  It is criminal, racist, untruthful, anti-God, and just plain evil.   They need a rubber stamp in the Supreme Court.

This effort by Whitehouse is just another attempt to censor people that Whitehouse does not agree with.

Want to investigate ethics problems within the judiciary?  How about deep investigations into the judges who are railroading people who just walked into the Capitol Building on January 6th?