Never Give Up

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The silent majority are beginning to rise up.  The silent majority is becoming less silent.  They have been spectators so far to the battle that is going on.  Some engage in the fight from the periphery, but are still spectators.  They are not the target…yet.  But they will be once the obstacle that is in their way…President Donald J Trump…is removed.  But even if they succeed in dimming his message, others will step up.

One astute commenter notes:

There have been many despots and tyrants through the ages that have believed that by destroying the messenger they will destroy the message. All of those that have chosen to throw out the Constitution, override the Laws, and eradicate the customs and traditions of the USA are making this mistake. They believe that if they can take down PDJT as the messenger of the Pro-American America First movement they will end the message being carried by the American People. They believe that no new messenger will arise to stir the message within the People.

They forget that the message is already within the People and that this message has already been stirred. I doubt that this effort to take down the messenger will be any more successful than previous efforts. But should it succeed there will be others that rise up to ensure that this message, so vital to the People, is not silenced. It may not be one individual large voice that rises to shout the message as PDJT has done so effectively. It may be many smaller voices that each speak out. But as history and music has taught us a chorus of smaller voices can, in fact, sing more loudly than most powerful of soloists.

The anti-Americans believe that they will be successful because, despite all the despicable things they have done so far, the American people have not yet risen in violent revolt. These anti-Americans believe that once the MAGA messenger is silenced the American People will not rise to depose their tyranny no matter what they do. But the American People have been throwing sand into their machine when they get too close to our families and communities. And the American People will continue to do so just as the Colonists did prior to the American Revolution. Eventually the anti-Americans, like the King before them, will feel forced and ‘justified’ to take direct action against the American People. That is the moment that the lessons taught at Lexington, Concord, Valley Forge, and Yorktown will be relearned.

I believe and I pray that those seeking the destruction of the USA and everything that is American will not be successful in silencing PDJT. But I also believe and I pray that even should they be successful in silencing PDJT as the messenger, there will arise an army of smaller voices chorusing the same message to keep the hearts, souls, and bodies the American People stirred against everything and everyone that is anti-American.

The tyrants believe that they own us.  They believe that there is no such thing as American exceptionalism. They are wrong.  I do not know what if anything will alert them to this fact.

Every cloud has a silver lining.  This is an old saying that my mother was inclined to use from time to time. Even the darkest clouds eventually give way to sunshine.  Let’s see to it that more sunshine lights up the darkest nooks and crannies of our corrupt government exposing all the nefarious individuals who have forsaken goodness and embraced evil.

Do not cave into them!

You are not alone!

You can make a profound difference!
