Gaetz vs Bartiromo

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I have a friend who has been extolling the virtues of Matt Gaetz, a House congressman from Florida.  On Sunday, I had a chance to witness Matt in action as he battled Maria Bartiromo over the spending crisis in Washington.  Before I delve into that let’s be reminded that, as the government funding crisis comes to a head, the media will paint any Republican who is opposed to unlimited spending as an extremist who is trying to destroy the country.  Such a person will be depicted as attempting to undermine the foundations of democracy and would be literally trying to kill people by standing up for a budget.

I would characterize this interview as being combative.  And as you watch closely, Ms. Bartiromo keeps peering at her cell phone.  Was she receiving instructions from some associate of Kevin McCarthy on what to say?

I agree with Matt that the House Government Weaponization Committee is a complete sham.  It’s a ruse to quiet the public who has gotten far too noisy for DC politicians.  IMO the committee has no intention on actually exposing the government weaponization of the government.  That government continues unabated every day in its persecution of the J6 defendants, in its censoring of the free speech rights of people, etc.  They expect that there will be no real accounting of the evil that has been perpetrated.

Sundance over at The Last Refuge, draws an analogy that I think is apt.

Back in February 2019, around the time when Bill Barr came into the picture, everyone was excited about the potential for accountability. An honest investigation that would reveal and expose the corrupt nature of the DC system, so that a public would be aware, accountability would be metered, and a total restructuring of the corrupt systems could take place.  I was not one of those people.

I accept the visibility of corruption through the prism of simple questions.  Everyone knew Robert Mueller was installed as a tool to cover up the preexisting corruption and simultaneously keep Trump under attack.  No one in Washington DC did not know this.  Everyone knew.  Despite that non-pretending admission and reality, not a single person ever said the Mueller probe was a farce.  Not a single congressional member ever dared say Robert Mueller was part of the corrupt system.

Instead, every single DC participant, politician and Trump appointee, said Robert Mueller was an “honorable man.”  He wasn’t, and they all knew that.

You cannot be an honorable man with the intent of delivering a corrupt and fraudulent outcome.  These two things are not compatible.  Yet, they all collectively pushed that bullshit opinion for two+ years, including Bill Barr.

Once you understand the dynamic inside that simple and honest Robert Mueller litmus test, a litmus test this is still very valid to this day, then you realize the scale of the corruption we are talking about.  It’s either active, passive or willfully blind corruption; but regardless of variety it’s all still corruption.

Mueller was selected because they knew he would play ball and because he had been in the DOJ under a Republican President (Bush 43).  What most people do not realize is that the current weaponization of the FBI began under his tutelage.  This was accomplished by requiring any Special Agent In Charge of a field office to spend at least one year on assignment in Washington DC before receiving such an assignment.  This rooted out many quality people who did not want to uproot their families particularly those with teens in school where they lived.

I think Gaetz makes a great point about the appropriations process.  Some appropriations bills have been reported out of committee for more than three months.  This is not a complicated process.  However, the Speaker has not scheduled floor debate for these items.  Why not?  Why is McCarthy waiting until the last moment to do so?

Is the Speaker under the control of the Deep State?  Will we be treated to another CR (continuing resolution) of thousands of pages that has been the modus operandi for the last 15 years?  How much pork will be stuffed inside that resolution to buy the votes of “reluctant” congress critters?

It has long been clear that Fox is controlled opposition.  They are there to keep the rebels in check.  Use this as a prism and you will understand clearly why Tucker Carlson was taken off the air.

Let’s be reminded.  Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.