The Crime

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The song “The Crime” performed by Jim Scott provides powerful insight into multiple dimensions of the despicable actions taken in the name of countering COVID.  Scott’s song runs the gamut from lockdowns to the dangerous and ineffective jabs.

Some lyrics from early in the song.

How they sold it on the news. We were victims of a ruse.

Politicians rushed it through. But whose agenda did they use?

Lock ‘em down. Lock ‘em out.

They’ll be begging for a shot without a doubt.

Hit ‘em hard. Cause ‘em pain.

Knock them so far down they’ll never rise again.

This was their goal.  Beat the public down so bad that they would never dare question the government again. It worked with some.  However, there was a significant minority who resisted.  As we travel further down this highway, more and more people are coming to realize the scam that was run.  Some will never trust “science” again.

In the song’s conclusion, the lyrics question if the criminal perpetrators will ever “make amends.”  Only God knows.