Build The Case

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A formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden is now underway.  The House now has subpoena power that did not exist before the vote.

Earlier this month House Speaker Johnson said a vote on a formal Biden impeachment inquiry is a “necessary step” after the Biden White House stonewalled congressional investigators.

I am all in favor of a continuing investigation into the corruption of the Biden crime family.  House Republicans will have the power for the next year to investigate the 50 years of criminal corruption by Biden as a sleazy senator, villainous vice president and paid-off president. Republicans must carefully gather evidence of the bribery and build an invincible case for prosecution, not impeachment.

Yes, I said prosecution.  Impeachment would just be Kabuki theatre.   impeachment would require 67 senators to vote to convict one of their own. I say that because the Go Long To Get Along senators identify more with Biden — a collegial colleague years ago — than they do their own constituents.  Many of them perhaps identify in ways they would not want the public to know about.

On January 20, 2025, when Trump is sworn in as president, they can hand the case over to a new attorney general.  I want to see the man in an orange jump suit.

So, the Republicans need to continue to build and document the case against Joe Biden.  Dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s.  Just do not get involved in running an impeachment trial.