Saving Democracy

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Since the start of the Ukraine-Russia combat, we have constantly heard from our hallowed masters in Washington that America must stand with Ukraine to stop this “attack on democracy.”  A visit to the DC Beltway would re-enforce this message.  That message is one that is trumpeted constantly in Big Media so that Washington politicos can find cover for funding the money laundering operation that is Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe.  Interestingly enough this is the same message we are now hearing in the Communist Democratic campaigns for political office in this country.  Democracy is under attack.

Is this what the American public believes?  Is Russia on a campaign to “end democracy?”  Do the people in Europe believe this message?  In particular, how are the people in eastern Europe who are nearest to the conflict reacting?

To start this analysis one must examine what has happened inside Ukraine.  Zelenskyy has abolished all political parties and has tried to close churches, particularly those who may speak the Russian language.  Keep in mind that in some sections of Ukraine that a majority of the people speak Russian.

Is abolishing political parties the act of a democratic head of state or is it more like the actions of a dictator?  Communists always want to suppress religion.  Is Zelenskyy trying to emulate a communist head of state by closing churches?

The American public has been fed a steady diet of proclamations that sanctions will bring Russia to its knees.  Sanctions will hurt Russia economically, weaken Putin domestically, and ultimately change the outcome in Ukraine.  How has that worked out?

The Russian economy is larger than before the sanctions.  The ruble has gotten stronger against the US Dollar.  The polls show that Vladimir Putin is more supported inside Russia than before.  Just where are these sanctions making the difference that was broadcast to all of America and western Europe?  Were the sanctions a smokescreen for elite politicos?

The fact is that the sanctions did not work.  Why not?

I have spoken with some individuals in multi-national corporations and the answer is simple.  They were never intended to work.  Businesses that wanted to sell inside Russia went and found an intermediary to do so.  And a lot of them sprung up to fill this need.  The ordinary people in Europe are not in alignment with the expressed government intent and therefore have no issue constructing ways around them.  Of course, one cannot do that in this country.

The sanctions were a way for the political elites to misdirect anger at inflation.  The American people were sold a bill of goods that sacrifices must be made “to save democracy.”  Prices in this country continue to skyrocket (especially in food) due to the incompetence of Washington these days.

Some people are beginning to realize this.  That is, that the Ukraine situation is a smokescreen to cover up the absolute evil that exists in Washington.  To cover up that fact that the Communists Democrats want to take over the country and control all aspects of everyday life.

If the sanctions were such a good idea, there should have been some effect on food prices in Russia.  What are those prices like in Russia?  The following is a report from August of 2023.

Dima Dear, a remarkably nice young man, lives in St Petersburg, Russia (formerly Leningrad), and he shares various experiences with his audience at their request.  There is a lot of U.S interest as people following his story are starting to realize life in Russia is not what western media portray.

If you are familiar with USA grocery prices, what Dima shares in this ground report is stunning from a U.S. perspective.  If you watch this livestream, keep in mind that 100 rubles equals $1.00.  350 rubles is $3.50.  Additionally for weighted products 1kg equals 2.2 lbs.   So generally speaking, if something is 100 rubles/kg it is $1 for two pounds.

Example from the video:

  • Lean ground beef at 329 rubles/kg is less than $1.65/lb.
  • Bacon at 250 rubles/kg is less than $1.25/lb.
  • 20 eggs are 139 rubles or $1.39.
  • Boneless skinless chicken breast $4 for 4lbs.
  • Typical Bagged salad mixes .79¢ each. etc.

The wild part is that in Russia they are getting worried these prices are too high. 

The video below is prompted to start about one third of the way into the presentation.

The current elites in our government are trying to turn our government into a dictatorship.  They are aided and abetted in this by the multinationals and Big Media.  The sanctions have put up a wall between the inflation-riddled western economies and Russia’s economy.  Just whose economy is doing better?

All of what one sees coming out of Washington these days is headed in one direction.  That direction is increasing control over the public.  Right now the only thing preventing a total takeover by the Democrats is the Bill of Rights.  They have yet to find a way to suppress the First and Second Amendments although it is not for a lack of trying.

Democrat fiefdoms pass laws that they know are not constitutional with the idea that they can put things in place and make it seem normal to not have these rights by the time such laws get a review in the courts.

There is only one way that this can be changed.  It means a wholesale cleaning out of Washington.  We must have representatives who represent the people and not the biggest pockets.  Election of PDJT and those who believe as we all do is the only way.