Neil Oliver & Davos

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For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver outlines the insufferable “parasite class” who assemble in Davos at the World Economic Forum.   Oliver describes their agenda for control which morphs depending on opportunity.  Indeed, the Davos/WEF favorite control narrative surrounds the ever-changing theoretical climate doom and the subsequent holy grail of a carbon trading exchange they control.

At a certain point, the revolting peasants look around and realize there are more of us than them.  That’s the exact moment when things in the Western alliance will get very sketchy.  In case you missed it, the Dutch, Poland and German farmers are now being joined by the Romanians and the French.

Then again, why wouldn’t we miss it? After all, the Western media are avoiding any mention of the spreading discontent.  Germany has largely been shut down for the last week by the protests.  Trying to paint the protesters as Nazis has not worked.   Many European pols are getting very nervous that the commoners may start to organize an even wider pushback.

Factually, you can see in their words and espousals the Davos clan know this. So they construct all manner of instructions to their government beneficiaries in an effort to control the proles.

There is a raw, fierce anger simmering in many places around the world.

Thanks to the internet and press freedoms, legacy media outlets no longer have a monopoly on information and narratives.  This is evident in the emphasis the Ursula von der Leyen calls for overarching globalist control over the flow of all information in the digital age

Facts are seeping out into the public sphere.  And the public is appalled by what they are learning.  And it is people like Neil Oliver who are responsible.