EU Farmer Protests

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The farmer and trucker protests that started in Germany and then spread to Poland and Romania, are now engulfing France, Belgium and the Netherlands.  Of course, we are not hearing much about this in America because Big Media does not want to see such protests get ignited here.

This has been going on for multiple weeks at this point in time.  And the protesters do not appear to be wavering despite attempts by different governments to mollify the protesters with promises.

Sensing the problematic nature of the uprisings and facing considerable political opposition on many domestic issues, the French government of Emmanuel Macron has agreed to the terms of the French farmers. However, the two major labor unions associated with the farmers in France are not asking for the protests to stop until they see the agreement of the French government in writing.

In the meantime dozens of demonstrations have erupted in Ireland.  These demonstrations were staged by the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) around the country in solidarity with EU farmers protesting about regulation, income pressure and bureaucracy.

Irish farmers have said that they are being subjected to onerous levels of bureaucracy and are calling on authorities to streamline the manner in which they must apply for and register agricultural payments.

IFA president Francie Gorman said:

“They feel they are being regulated out of business by Brussels bureaucrats and Department of Agriculture officials who are far removed from the reality of day-to-day farming.

“Irish farmers are pro-EU, but there is mounting frustration about the impact of EU policy on European farmers and its implementation here in Ireland,”

Despite media attempts to suppress this story, it appears that citizen journalists have been successful in getting the story out.  This has led to Solidarity type protests in multiple countries.  The question now becomes can the EU bureaucrats put the cork back in the bottle?

The EU Parliament in Brussels did not escape targeting.