Iran Admits Crisis
Events continue to move rapidly in connection with the current pandemic. After Iran’s leaders denied over and over that any kind of a problem existed with the Wuhan virus in their country, on Tuesday Iranian state TV journalist, Dr. Afruz Eslami, offered three scenarios going forward. Iran has now dramatically reversed course and is admitting a crisis of monumental proportions.
First, based on a study by Sharif University of Technology (Tehran), Eslami said that if people fully cooperate with the Ministry of Health’s protocols, Iran may be able to limit the number of infections to 120,000 with 12,000 deaths before the outbreak ends. Elsami is depicting this as the BEST CASE SCENARIO for Iran. Of course, she is saying this after angry crowds stormed into the courtyards of Mashhad’s Imam Reza shrine and Qom’s Fatima Masumeh shrine. Crowds typically pray there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, touching and kissing the shrine. Roughly 90% of all cases in the Middle East are centered in Iran.