Category Archives: Chloroquine

By Any Means Necessary

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Why is the administration in Washington so hellbent on forcing people to get jabbed by an experimental medicine?  Last week the administration announced a “door-to-door” campaign to intimidate people into getting the COVID vaccine. The Avatar said,

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood. And off-times, door to door, literally knocking on doors.”

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Another Variant…Lambda

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Big Media cannot seem to get away from reporting on coronavirus strains.  As people return to normal activities, those who would control our every movement and thought have doubled down again about a new strain of COVID-19 that has emerged.  This one was supposedly first recognized last August in Peru.  Since people are not paying attention to the alarm bells that accompanied the “Delta” strain, this strain has now become the focus for more warnings about an imminent public health threat.

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Humanist of the Year

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Where is Dr. Fauci?  He seemingly has disappeared from the public view.  In one sense this is not surprising given the recent exposition of all his lies.  This came as a result of an FOIA request.  Big Media has aided in this suppression of news about Dr. Fauci by simply ignoring the story.  Still, these damaging revelations have leaked out and created a need to rehabilitate Dr. Fauci’s image.  Along comes the American Humanist Association (AHA) to bestow their 2021 Humanist of the Year Award on Dr. Fauci.

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Political Scariants

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The rich and powerful are desperately trying to cling to COVID-19 as a method to control the population.  The latest attempt to do so revolves around the so-called Delta variant.  It appears the Delta variant has become the variant of choice.  It seems to be dominating the number of new infections in many areas of the world.  Is it any more dangerous than the original virus?

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California Reveals Vaccine Passport System

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California has launched a COVID-19 vaccine verification system that provides digital replicas of the wallet-size paper cards issued by the CDC.  The state says that the digital system will make it easier for residents to supply proof of immunization if needed.  This sounds a lot like NY State’s Excelsior Pass.  But it is not a vaccine passport according to the state.

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Blood On His Hands

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Does Dr. Fauci have blood on his hands?  Yesterday I talked about the infiltration of our government by people who have only one thing in mind and that is self-enrichment through overseeing policy, manipulating such policy and trading on the knowledge gained therein.

Today, I will take a closer look at the absolutely corrupt actions that led to the deaths of thousands of people.  And sadly, that scrutiny starts with Dr. Fauci.  I say sadly because Dr. Fauci’s high school education was at one of the best private high schools in the country.  The school’s mission is encapsulated in the motto “Men for Others.”  It is about transforming Catholic young men into generous leaders with a passion for service.  Dr. Fauci appears to have forgotten all of the lessons imparted during his time there.

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A Conspiracy Or What?

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We have heard a lot about “vaccine passports.”  Completely unconstitutional, of course.  But considering how freely the Washington political hacks ignore the Constitution, it would not come as a surprise to me if the current administration would coerce people into using such an item.  They would probably create the necessary intimidation under the guise of a public health emergency.  Some media bobblehead recently advanced the idea that racism was a public health emergency.  So anything is possible.

The White House press secretary has denied that the idea of vaccine passports.  However, there are numerous anecdotal reports that the administration (sorry, I will not refer to it as the Biden administration since it is clear that he is not running anything) is quietly working with major companies on how to implement such a system.

New York State has already announced such a system, Excelsior Pass.  This would seem to be the proverbial trial balloon.  However, I think in this case, it is more of do it in NY first and then spread it across the country.  This is the first, clear step toward subjecting people to controls over when and where they travel, whom they associate with, what places they can go into, etc.  NY State is not mandating it.  However, the intimidation factor is clear.  You will not be allowed to participate in society if you do not get jabbed.

This leads me to the whole issue of the vaccines.  I have never accepted the idea that COVID-19 was particularly dangerous.  While it was not clear in the beginning just what the mortality rate was, it was clear early on that there were efficacious treatments literally sitting on the shelf.

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The Mark of the Beast

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Last week I mentioned that Denmark had decided to require a “corona passport.”  This would be needed for people to participate in Danish society.  This “passport” would indicate that the holder had been vaccinated or had had the virus and had recovered.

As I mentioned then, this is just another attempt for government to control what the public is allowed to do.  Tighter top-down control of the population is a never-ending quest of totalitarian governments.  The Democrats in America have been salivating at the possibility of implementing the same thing here.  It would provide the Communists Democrats with another method of controlling the people.

Now it has begun here in America.  Rutgers University, that’s the State University of New Jersey, has announced that students attending on-site classes will be required to have been inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Lessons From Trump’s Battle With COVID-19

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As we all know PDJT tested positive for the virus and was admitted to Walter Reed for treatment.  PDJT emerged three days later and has returned to his pre-illness form.  When the man sleeps is anybody’s guess.  Trump is a non-stop dynamo of energy.

But wait!  Isn’t PDJT 74 years old?  Isn’t he overweight?  Isn’t he the model target for this virus?  The answer to all of these questions is a resounding “Yes!”  How in the world did he beat the virus so handily and so quickly?

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