Category Archives: Corruption

MAGA Republicans Attacked

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On Thursday, the Avatar who inhabits the White House from time to time, traveled to Springfield, Virginia to give a speech to a group of union workers.  The whole point of the talk was to try to transfer blame for the absolutely horrendous performance of the economy to Republicans who believe in free markets and capitalism rather than the stupefying and stultifying hand of government in the economy.

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Questions For The FAA

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Our long nightmare with COVID and all its ancillary operations needs to be exposed to a lot of sunlight.  For way too long, our media and some elected politicians have kept the lid on the truth.   They have not permitted the public to see what the real facts were.  We need a national conversation led by investigators unbridled by anything but the truth.  We need a robust debate about the future of this country without corrupt politicians screaming that “democracy is ending.”

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Interesting Times

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We live in interesting times.  The pushback from Kevin McCarthy to a reporter’s question demonstrates a beginning willingness to step away from politics as usual in Washington.  Perhaps we will owe a bigger debt of gratitude to the 20 rebels who held up his getting the speakership.

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Biden Beats The War Drums

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The powers behind the Oval Office are pushing America into war against Russia.  These people started this process during the Obama administration with the coup that overthrew the existing Ukrainian government.  Why?  Because the Ukrainian President at the time was getting friendly with Russia.

They are now determined to “protect the UniParty’s financial and political interests” in Ukraine as a money laundering operation for US stakeholders.

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Biden Is A Criminal

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It has long been obvious that, despite the kid glove treatment by the DOJ, Joe Biden broke the law involving the handling classified documents.  If Biden was any member of the military for which he is the Commander-in Chief, the court martial proceedings would already be underway.  And a military jail term would be the result.

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Last year, experts in multiple related agricultural fields had openly started to discuss and predict a looming crisis in the global food supply since the majority of food is contingent on only one or two growing cycles per year for harvest.  Such harvests have now been diminished by the various actions of governments who are more interested in the Green New Deal than they are in feeding their citizens.  Big Media is now admitting that a serious food crisis may be upon us.

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Things That Make You Go Hmmm

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Joe Manchin at the World Economic Forum complaining about the “open press” and that it is a problem to be solved.

Apparently, Manchin does not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of assembly.  How can the elite control every aspect of people’s lives if such people can have unfettered conversations on the internet?  Let’s remember that the first thing communists do when they take over is to close churches to prevent such unfettered conversations.  Witness Zelenskyy’s moves in Ukraine.

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Select Group Of Humans

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Comrades, John Kerry, former Secretary of State and current Climate Czar, is one of the most magnanimous individuals ever to exist on the surface of this planet.  Clearly, most common folk do not realize the extent of his high-mindedness and devotion to the protection of all humanity.  At the World Economic Forum that is filled with other like-minded individuals, Kerry took the time to praise them for the same unique traits that have gifted him to the people of America.

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Tax Troubles?

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During the Trump years, Hunter Biden was paying about $50K/mo. to live in Biden’s Delaware beach house for a period of nearly a year (11 mos.)—even though Zillow shows that the most any other house in the area rented for was $6K/mo.  Those rental payments totaled about $550K to the “Big Guy”.   The house in question is probably worth a couple of million dollars.

What do the Biden tax returns show?

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