Category Archives: COVID-19


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Another professional soccer player collapsed on the field on Monday night. 28-year-old Emil Palsson from Iceland collapsed on the field during the 12th minute of play. 84% of people 16-29 in Iceland are fully vaccinated.

Over the weekend soccer star Sergio Aquero was taken to the hospital after experiencing chest discomfort during a match – six weeks after promoting the vax.

This seems to be happening a lot.

Gee, what do all of these cases have in common?  You guessed it.  They are all “fully vaccinated.”  Are the long term effects starting to manifest themselves?

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CDC Announces Fourth Booster

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As predictable as the sun rising in the East, the CDC has come out and announced the “need for a fourth booster” of the COVID vaccines.  Here we are not even a full year out from starting this “vaccine” insanity and the CDC is pushing more “boosters.”  Will it ever end?

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Follow The Science

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Follow the science.  This is a mantra that we have heard over and over again the past two years.  The sainted Dr. Fauci has been one to use it anytime he finds himself in a position where he is contradicting what he said previously.  If we follow the science, what are we learning about the last 22 months?

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Re-education Camps  

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Are you wondering whether re-education camps like those being built in Australia could be on the horizon for America?  Worry no longer.  According to the CDC it appears that forcible re-education is part of their plan to get non-compliant police to “accept” vaccination.

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Vaccine News

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THOUSANDS protested Monday in New York City against the Biden and DeBlasio vaccine mandates.

The municipal workers marched across the Brooklyn Bridge and held a rally.

At one point the protesters started chanting, “Let’s Go Brandon!”

This is old-fashioned populism at work.

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Who To Blame

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Jack Cashill has written an article for that delves into the next level of COVID mania.  Specifically, who will the power elite blame when the next COVID surge comes and continues to spread despite most people being vaccinated?  How will the public react when they realize the vaccination narrative put forth by political officials was fake news?  You can read Jack’s article below.

Irish Quandary: Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?

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Charter of Negative Liberties

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Legal Insurrection has an article delving into the legality or constitutionality of the various mandates, bans, etc. that are being enacted around the country.  The short version of the arguments presented is “Limited government does not mean no government.”

I will be excerpting freely from the article.  You can find the entire piece below.

The Constitutional Conservative Argument For State-Level Bans On Businesses’ Vaccine Mandates

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Vaccine News

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This segment aired on SKY News this week on the latest COVID outbreak in England.

Academy Principal Tarun Kapur joined SKY to discuss the current situation at the Manchester schools. Kapur told SKY News that the people are glad to wear masks because it brings “a sense of security” to the staff and students.

This is preposterous.  This man is in charge and he does not know that masks do not stop the spread of the virus?

Then Tarun Kapur dropped this bomb. There are 30 kids out after testing positive for coronavirus. And at the same time there are 14 students out suffering side effects from the vaccine.

And he said this with a straight face and no hint of the danger he is putting children through at the academy.

Kapur does not seem to understand the seriousness of what he just told the audience.

He has half as many out for vaccine side effects as the COVID virus and this does not strike him as odd?

Doesn’t he realize that vaccine side effects like this are supposed to be extremely rare?

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Vaccine Hesitancy

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Vaccine hesitancy is used to describe anyone who currently is opposed to getting jabbed.  This conveys a sense that the person just isn’t sure about taking a needle into their arms that contains poison for their bodies.  Is this an accurate sense of these people?

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