Category Archives: COVID-19

Follow The Science

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“Follow the Science” has been the mantra used by the Left to browbeat people into submission. The idea has been that the only way to end the pandemic is to get jabbed with an experimental therapy based on Dr. Robert Malone’s mRNA therapy model.  As many people have come to realize the real three-word saying should be “Follow the Money.”

When a new illness shows up on the scene such as COVID-19, there are no gold-plated, double blind studies to support any treatment that might be tried.  Good frontline doctors go to work at figuring out what might be effective against the disease.  When they find something, they are quick to share their knowledge.  It is not terribly uncommon to find an existing drug that can be repurposed for the new disease. ... 

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One of the items that should always be part of any decision involving vaccines is a risk/benefit analysis.  Will the benefit of being jabbed outweigh the risk involved in getting the jab?  There is always some risk.  No vaccination is perfectly safe.

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Unaware that he was on hot mic — Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

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Odds & Ends

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Taliban 2.0

The Taliban, that’s the new version according to the dopey idiots in our national news media, are just like the old version.  Genocide and the repression of women is underway again.

And they are flogging women in public just like the old days.

This is known as the Biden Effect.

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The Third Reich Arrives In Australia

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Australia continues down the road to totalitarianism.  Based on what news has escaped out into the real world, Lenin would be proud of the pols in Australia.

Quarantine camps are under construction.  I’m sure they are nothing like the ones the Nazis built in Germany.   They will use razor wire instead of barbed wired.

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Australian Insanity

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There will never be zero COVID.  Without a doubt, COVID has become endemic.  Given this and given the fact that vaccines are not stopping the spread of COVID, wouldn’t make more sense to focus on effective treatments?  Apparently, this kind of logic escapes those in power in Australia and elsewhere.

While the COVID vaccines may prevent some people from getting very sick with the original virus, vaccinated people still get COVID (including its variants) and still spread COVID.  There are experts in the field who theorize that the explosion of new variants is a direct result of vaccinating while outbreaks are going on.   And evidence is emerging that suggests that the vaccinated are more vulnerable to subsequent coronaviruses (mutations).  What has become abundantly clear is that the mRNA therapy masquerading as a vaccine, does not eradicate the disease from a vaccinated population, unlike smallpox, polio, or other traditional vaccines. ... 

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What Is China Planning?

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Most people know by now that COVID was created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China.  Whether the release was accidental or deliberate we will probably never know for sure since China is won’t cooperate with international interest in this and is not allowing any investigation of this.  According to Gordon Chang, what is important is to understand what China learned from unleashing a pandemic on the world, intentional or accidental.

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Full On Hitler

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The occupant of the White House is now threatening the unvaccinated.  This is the same tactic Hitler used against the Jews in Germany that led to the Holocaust.  Australia has already implemented house arrest in some sections of that country for those who are not vaccinated.  How long before that becomes the order of the day here?

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Vaccine Safety Signals

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One of the items that has concerned me since vaccinations have become widespread has been the lack of attention given to clear signals that there are significant problems with side effects from the COVID “vaccines.”  Mathew Crawford, a statistics and math guy, has an interesting take on this issue.  Essentially he states that the CDC potential circuit breakers (safety signals) for the various therapeutics being called COVID “vaccines” are ill defined.  And that is not good.

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