Category Archives: DOJ

Free Exercise Of Religion Attacked

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Fundamental liberties do not end because there is a pandemic.  Individual rights in our Constitution do not disappear during a public health crisis.  This does not mean that quarantine cannot be imposed if someone has been exposed to a highly communicable and/or deadly disease.  However, measures taken need to be even-handed.  A government entity is not permitted to discriminate against one group while allowing another group to engage in the same or similar activity.  There can be no disparate treatment.

Last week Greenville, Mississippi mayor Errick Simmons, a Democrat, and the city council banned churches from hosting drive-in services.

“The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive-in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves. Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read.

The governor’s order (EO 1466) recommended that church services not be in person but, he did not prohibit drive-in services.  “Mississippi is not China, and it never will be,” Reeves insisted.

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Conspiracy Hints!

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In what is clearly a shot across the bow of those who conspired to overthrow the President, AG Barr announced on Thursday on Laura Ingraham’s show that the Russia investigation that shadowed President Donald Trump for the first two years of his administration was started without any basis and amounted to an effort to “sabotage the presidency.”

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Special Counsel Fiasco Prosecution Ended

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For those who may have forgotten, in February, 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller brought a dramatic indictment against Russian actors allegedly responsible for interference in the 2016 presidential election. The indictment was made at a national press conference.  The Department of Justice posted the indictment online here.  The indictment charged three Russian companies and 13 Russian individuals with election related crimes.

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Coup by Impeachment

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The farce going on in the Senate has reached the stage where Senators can ask questions.  First, a Democrat.  Then, a Republican.  On and on ad nauseum.  After this ridiculousness is over (will it really last two days?), the Senate will decide on whether to call witnesses.

This is another end run around the Constitution by the Democrats.  The Dems want the Senate to call witnesses that they refused to call and/or subpoena.  The Dems knew they would lose in court if they tried to enforce a subpoena on witnesses they wanted to depose.  Pelosi wanted to do impeachment by decree not have her caucus go on record with a vote.  Now they want the Senate to do what would have caused them to lose in federal court.

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Media Failures

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Now that a little time has elapsed since IG Horowitz’s report was released, perhaps it would be a good time to review what the facts are versus the fiction that has emanated from various MSM sources regarding the FBI and their conduct in Spygate.   Remember that the Democrats have had a death grip on news, entertainment and sports media.  If the Dems say something, it is treated as a fact set in stone.  You dare to disagree at risk to your own good name and health.  By doing this, the Dems and their corrupt allies in the MSM have poisoned every aspect of American life.

As Jerome Corsi over at American Thinker notes,

Long gone is the Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senators Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn. It is now a party of hardcore leftists, more aligned with Karl Marx than Thomas Jefferson. They are now completely driven by extreme leftist ideology.  Lacking evidence that President Trump committed any crime or even did anything morally wrong, they recklessly passed articles of impeachment, with no regard to the great damage they are doing to our Republic. The Democratic Party once had statesmen, but it is now the refuge of demagogues.

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Obstruction Is The End Goal

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An item that has not received a lot of press lately is House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler’s attempt to unseal the grand jury testimony collected by the Special Counsel.  The Special Counsel found no evidence of any crimes involving the reason for the existence of the Special Counsel.  That is, there was no collusion between anyone in the Trump campaign and Russia or Russian actors.  There was also no obstruction charged.

On the contrary, as is slowly being revealed in the General Michael Flynn case, there appears to be significant evidence of criminal wrongdoing within the Special Counsel’s staff.  It appears that they tried to entrap Flynn and, when that failed, they doctored transcripts of his testimony to make it appear that he lied to Federal investigators. How far and how widespread this illicit conduct goes is unclear at this time.  Sydney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, is apparently about to file a motion to dismiss the Flynn case “due to egregious misconduct” on the part of the government.

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Kangaroo Court

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Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) blasted House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Sunday.   Schiff held closed door meetings for the testimony of ICIG Atkinson and Envoy Volker last week. Then Schiff would not allow transcripts of their testimony to be  made public. Why?

It has been reported from other sources, notably Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge, that ICIG Michael Atkinson testified that the so called ‘whistle-blower’ did not inform Atkinson that the whistleblower gossipmonger and his legal team had previously contacted staff working for Adam Schiff before he submitted his complaint.

When questioned on this earlier in the week, Schiff had denied that such contact took place.  The Washington Post gave this claim a 4-Pinocchio’s rating.  Later he reversed himself claiming that he “had misunderstood” the reporter’s question.

So, again, why are the transcripts being withheld?  Ratcliffe said that he would love to tell you about both interviews (Volker and Atkinson).  The problem?  Schiff won’t allow it.  Why? Ratcliffe noted,

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Special Weekend Edition

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More details have become available about the actions of Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock who resigned yesterday.  Byrne resigned for a number of reasons, not the least of which appears to be concerns for his personal safety after the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein.

In all Byrne gave four interviews regarding his involvement on behalf of the FBI in what he is calling “political espionage”.  His story is consistent across all four interviews.

In 2015, Patrick Byrne was approached by FBI officials.  They wanted him to cultivate a relationship with one Maria Butina, a Russian national who is an accused Russian agent.  This had occurred after he had picked up the phone and reported a contact with Butina as he was required to do so by law. Why?  Because Byrne has a low-level security clearance.

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Yesterday Patrick Byrne, CEO of, resigned his position. Now CEO’s do leave their companies from time to time.  However, few if any CEO’s have done so for the reasons Byrne put forth.

Byrne has led the company for 20 years.  In 1999, Byrne was approached by the founder of D2-Discounts Direct with a request for operating capital.  Byrne found the idea of online closeouts intriguing, and invested $7 million for a 60 percent equity stake in the company in the spring of 1999.  In September the same year he took over as CEO, and the following month the company was renamed

According to Patrick Byrne, due to earlier relationships with federal law enforcement (17 years ago…helped to snare the murderer of a friend and 12 years ago…helped with a Wall Street investigation), he was approached in/around 2015 to help out the FBI with another operation.

As he indicates, he felt there was something fishy about the operation. However, the people who approached him he felt were honorable.  It was only several years later that he figured out where the orders had come from.

Byrne has Continue reading...