Media Failures

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Now that a little time has elapsed since IG Horowitz’s report was released, perhaps it would be a good time to review what the facts are versus the fiction that has emanated from various MSM sources regarding the FBI and their conduct in Spygate.   Remember that the Democrats have had a death grip on news, entertainment and sports media.  If the Dems say something, it is treated as a fact set in stone.  You dare to disagree at risk to your own good name and health.  By doing this, the Dems and their corrupt allies in the MSM have poisoned every aspect of American life.

As Jerome Corsi over at American Thinker notes,

Long gone is the Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senators Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn. It is now a party of hardcore leftists, more aligned with Karl Marx than Thomas Jefferson. They are now completely driven by extreme leftist ideology.  Lacking evidence that President Trump committed any crime or even did anything morally wrong, they recklessly passed articles of impeachment, with no regard to the great damage they are doing to our Republic. The Democratic Party once had statesmen, but it is now the refuge of demagogues.

All of this takes place because of the media that has tied itself to the Democratic Party come hell or high water.

The framers of our Constitution set up a free and independent press to sniff out scandal.  Dirt sells papers and the scandalous behavior of those in power is the juiciest dirt of all.  The free press has a built-in financial incentive to find and expose scoundrels.

This worked well for a long time.  Then the press decided to hitch their wagon to an ideology, progressivism.  The result has been that journalists no longer look for scandals in the Democratic Party.  Apparently these journalists believe that this is the best way to advance the progressive agenda.

On the other side of the aisle, journalists hound Republicans like a pack of rabid dogs.  If scandalous Republican behavior cannot be found, stories will be manufactured.  Witness the General Flynn prosecution, the campaign against George Papadopoulos, the use of Carter Page.  See the entire Russian collusion investigation for what it really was.  It was a smear campaign designed to get the public to accept the overthrowing of a duly-elected government.

The Horowitz report contains some scary findings.  It lays out in detail how some of the most powerful entities in our government abused their power in order to target a leading presidential campaign.  Where were the MSM investigative journalists during all of this?

The Horowitz report substantiates earlier independent media reporting that claimed the FBI used an unsubstantiated, uncorroborated “dossier” to justify its spying on the Trump campaign. In particular, the FBI failed to inform the FISA Court that information contained in the dossier was never confirmed and that the document itself was, in fact, political opposition research paid for by the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party.

Looking at the Horowitz report, the fact is that the FBI was humiliated as the IG documented dozens upon dozens of FBI failures and the way the agency misled the FISA court in order to obtain a warrant to surveil Cater Page to spy on the Trump campaign.  This was in direct contradiction to the media personalities who insisted the FBI and other agencies did not rely on the unverified “Steele dossier” in order to obtain those warrants from the FISA court.  These same personalities have spun the lie that these were honorable people (Comey, et al) who were just trying to protect the country.  Again where were the investigative journalists during all of this?

Then there were those in the MSM who claimed the “Nunes Memo” which detailed the fraud perpetrated upon the court was false.   In reality, the IG report confirmed everything that was written in the Nune’s Memo.  It also proved as false everything in the Schiff Memo.  The media had given great credence to the Schiff memo.

One could go on and on.  But, I am sure you get the point.

In short, the Horowitz report provided facts that supported all of the so-called “conspiracy” theories about the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign and attempting to rig the 2016 election.

Heads need to roll.