Category Archives: DOJ

8 Days in May

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Breaking News…On a day when the new Attorney General William Barr was confirmed and sworn in, It has been reported on multiple news outlets that Andrew McCabe and others at the FBI and DOJ plotted to remove PDJT from office in May 0f 2017.  This info appears to have come from a 60 Minutes interview of Andrew McCabe with Scott Pelley.  This is reported to have occurred during the period of time between the firing of the “holier than thou” FBI Director James Comey and the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller by Rod Rosenstein.

Reports indicate that there were meetings at DOJ discussing whether the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment.  The reasons given were PDJT’s firing of James Comey and the fact that supposedly PDJT was soft on Russia.

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The Circus Comes To Town

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The circus came to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Friday.  As with all circuses there was a barker out there inviting people to see the mysteries within.  In this case the barker was CNN who had a “hunch” that there might be something newsworthy going on.  CNN flew a news crew down from Washington for this.  Because of a “hunch?”  It is amazing to watch these reporters spin these stories.  Clearly some people had advance knowledge communicated to them about what was going to happen.  The fact that CNN was on the receiving end of such info is telling in its own right.

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Because They Can

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There are good people who honestly want to believe the our DOJ is not corrupt, that statements by PDJT and others that a swamp exists within the federal bureaucracy are just wild outbursts designed to elicit votes in an election. Or perhaps machinations trying to cover up malfeasance.

The video below contains a presentation by Howard Root, CEO of Vascular Solutions.  Root and Vascular Solutions were the targets of DOJ prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct beyond your wildest imagination.  The prosecutorial misconduct was no better than what happened in Russia under Josef Stalin except that nobody has been executed.  And all this happened during President Obama’s watch. ... 

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