Category Archives: Election

Insanity In The US

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The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to strike down the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which was an egregiously wrong-headed decision.  Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg had indicated such and expected it to be overturned.  If that happens, it will clear the way for the banning or restricting of abortions in 26 states.  While it is not yet official (the ruling is expected within a couple of weeks), a leaked copy of a draft Supreme Court opinion indicated the direction the court is heading.

Canadian director David Cronenburg, who was in Cannes presenting his latest film, called the potential overturn “completely insane.”  Cronenburg noted:

“In Canada … we think everybody in the U.S. is completely insane…We think the U.S. has gone completely bananas and cannot believe that elected officials are saying the things that they’re saying there.”

Cronenburg must be talking about those Canadians who exist within the elite progressive wokeness that he inhabits.  That would include people like Justin “Rainbow Socks” Trudeau who believes that Fidel Castro and Xi Jinping are great leaders.  It certainly does not include most Canadians, a majority of whom believe that bans on abortion at different stages of pregnancy are necessary.

Abortion is the ending of a human life.  Allowing abortion devalues all human life.  Given the genre of films that Cronenburg is known for, it is not surprising that he has become inured to and approves of killing the most defenseless among us.  That is true insanity.

Does insanity exist in America?  Absolutely.  Perhaps there is no more telling example than what happened in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday.  An 18-year-old resident of Uvalde shot his grandmother and then killed 18 2nd through 4th graders and three teachers at a local school.  Does Cronenburg, who believes in killing defenseless unborn children, believe that this is okay?

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Are The Democrats Revealing Their Strategy For The Mid-terms?

The Democrats surely believed that they would be rid of PDJT by now.  They stole the election, labeled it a lie to say so and thought that the public would buy their crap.  As it turns out, PDJT is still one of the most popular political figures in the country.  Arguably he is more popular now than in 2020.  What didn’t destroy him has made him stronger.

Trump has been joined by others who are standing up for values that the Democrats despise.  Among them is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has demonstrated conclusively that elections have consequences.  Just ask the Disney Corporation about that.  DeSantis has also demonstrated that standing up for the common people all the time is a winning strategy.

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Is Anybody Competent In This Administration?

On Monday the FDA chief, one Dr. Robert Califf, said that the baby formula problem is just a distribution problem.  There is no real shortage of baby formula.

Let’s note that in 25 states, 40-50% of baby formula is out of stock.  In another 5 states, more than 50% of baby formula is out of stock.

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Buffalo Must Have Resources

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Joe Biden visited Buffalo after the mass shooting on Saturday.  Yet he couldn’t visit Waukesha after a terrorist killed 6 people and injured dozens more after he plowed through a Christmas parade.  According to Psaki, it was because such a visit requires a lot of assets and takes the city’s resources.

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Odds & Ends

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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer complains that Americans are attacking Joe Biden during wartime:

“It is unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president.”

If the shoe fits, wear it.

And, BTW, when did Congress declare war? ... 

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Starving Babies Pretend To Be Ukrainian Soldiers

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WARNING:  Satire Ahead

This is going to strike a nerve with a lot of people.


Some babies said that if they cannot get enough formula in Ukraine, they will get caught sneaking into the country across the Mexican border.  The ICE processing centers for illegal border crossers have plenty of baby formula for illegals.  And it is free.

The first photo is from this morning at the Ursula Processing Center at the U.S. border. Shelves and pallets packed with baby formula.

The second is from a shelf right here at home. Formula is scarce.  ... 

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It’s A Diversion

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The news has dominated the news cycle.  Liberal heads are exploding all over the country.  There has been and will continue to be an avalanche of commentary over the days and weeks ahead.  A major leak never before seen of Supreme Court deliberations.  A draft opinion by Justice Alito was leaked to Politico that suggested strongly that Roe v Wade and Casey would be overturned.  Now, until the final report comes out, this is not the final word.  When that will happen is anyone’s guess.

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